Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 127, 31 May 1894 — POLICE COURT. [ARTICLE]

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Kuaana.Larceny of goods from Kailianai (w) ooouj>ied tl»egreater part of the mormng. Defendant | fonnd not gnilty and discharged. Ane Koli violating sec. 3 ehap. 57 P. G. neglect pleaded gnilty. i Sentenced to 30 days imprison- j ment and 13 cosU_ Maikai on a similar otfense was ! . remanded to J nne 1-4. Chow Ling Chong assanlt re- ! mandcd to J ane 5. Lui Tai for furioos driving was nol. pros. | Wong Chee un. embezzleraent j ! was remanded tJ Jone 5. , i F. Hardon r*as remanded to Jone 2.