Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 127, 31 May 1894 — Went Through In Irons. [ARTICLE]

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Went Through In Irons.

Aogustns G. Hagen, wauted by the New York poliee for participation in a sixty thousand j ; dollars burglu y, \vent through on the Mariposa in charge of I. | F. Beunet of the New lork detective force. On tbe way up Hagen attempted to escape at S«moa whieh vain effort caused ; bim to be ir)ned while the Mariposa was in port. Hageu escaped by way of Sau Fraucisco ’ aml rnsticated in tbis Hawaiian Faradise for a :uontb last year. Ho travelled ou to Sydney and ; was at ouee tal.eu by tbe poliee aml after trial was dnly bauded over to Detootive Bennett.