Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 127, 31 May 1894 — CORRESPONDENCE. [ARTICLE]

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pA><k> nol EiM-l «spo»»si'bl<* or ihe oar corm«fx>a EniT(»R Holomua; Iu the Advtrti*er of M*y 28th. appe*red a ietter frc>m fc*. A. Sebaefer Sec. of īhe Queen s iiuspit.il, exonerating Mr £ckbardt from all blame, »nd giviug the A*»'terf*>rr nnd its prominent pbysician a qaiet sot back. Iu the sarae i-sue. the Adveiiii»tr comments on the above letter iu its usual arrogaot t ne as it w.»s of some cor.sequence ;»n«i uwus the country. ! Miiul your bnsi essyou u>c*ddling hussy, und keej» yOur dug ts out oi Hosj»ital affurs and iuauy others, where thoy have no r:ght to be. As long as a man is a supporter of your party, it makes no difference to you bow bad a charactor he beais, he ean srang gie opium, assunlt natīves >vitb deadiy weaj»ous. annoy peopie ' on the streets at all bours of tbe night, as lras been «lone for many mouths past, aml break all laws of tbe country, without a line of condemnation from your paper. But let a Ri»yilist who is j>erforming his cluty to the satisfactioa of his etuployers aud tbe people, ouee have the misfortone to f.»il uuder the ban of your paj»er, he at onee becomes accotding to \our logic, a clevii ineamate, and is perSecnted as such. For the past seventeen months, the Advertistr has beeu like a . young bantaiu on his little dung- 1 i hiil, crowing and scratching all j to uo purpose, whieh ho wili soon fiud ont Now, mark me, you blataut ass! keep to your senseless articles on Swedisb, Norwegiau and other imraigratiou schemes, and med>Ile no more with Royalists who are y<>ur superiore in '■ everything but lying, nepotism aud treachery; :»s it may yet be in their power to make you curse the hnur in whieh you dared to ! siauder them, S. P. N.