Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 126, 30 May 1894 — A Liveried Trumpeter. [ARTICLE]
A Liveried Trumpeter.
The S. Chrouicfe of Miy llth contams Iwo colutans of snch information on Hawaiian atfvirs as may l>e expected to filter thruiigh Provisioual g«vernraent sourt“«.s. C. 8. Hradford ha> the h<>*ior of QHviug his name ap|-ei.detl tberein to a Iet f er of “sj>eciHl correspondence.” whieh as .i sarnple of fii>t »T tss 1\ ing h\ a f.»ithful henehman in the p*y of the oligHrchy. d<x*s him infinite credit. Here is a sample: All sorts of subterf:iges were rest«red t« bv the royalists here and on the other islands to prevent natives fr«m fregi>teriug auii v«ting. If these peis«ns had mudd the same threats nnder tiie tuouarchy thut they now muke agaiiist the provisionaU. they wonkl h:-ve been banished from ; the conntrry f«r their se<liti«ns utterances. | C. S. Bradf«rd is carefnl to omit all meniion of the “subterfuges,” and thre:its of dis>mi>>al | from government employment. J and the geueral catalogue of paii.s and penalties whieh the Provisional Govern>uent invented and brandished in the face of tbe j eople,intht irkighh iudtdplanof c;irnpaigu. F.very polieeman, school teaolier, eleik, right through the governraent ollices do\vn to the very scavengers on the roads, \vere onlered t« register or “get.” Hundreds of natives aud foreigners quit serving \ a goveruinent who had ch:mged the iudependent statns «f the ! eivi 1 service nnder tbe mo.iarchv, ; rather than submit to tho degre- | dation of being the meehanieal | serf reqmred by the oligarchy. No “subterfnge is reqnired to ; ineline men to shun the iguomI inv of reu >aiicitig t!ieir iu ilienI uble nght to a voice iu the I goverument of thoir country, and this is what the registration oath i «f the oligarchy founded here by • Amencans bayonets meant. C. S. Bradford—if there is an indivuiual «f that uame heie—is evideutly prouel to see himself strutting in the livery of his employers, aod as a sample of an j obsequious hireliug he sh«uld { have a fr«ut plaoe among the ! paek of waifs who have picked themselves np in this beich, wait ng and huugry for uny bone that the oligarchy may tbrow thora.