Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 126, 30 Mei 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

E P^!2E Anheuser-13usch Brewing Co. 1 '’»*»*■ the l?rize at the '\V’oi’lci , s !Faiu -’ neir EAGL K Braud ,T3eer. 5?t. Locis. Ocr. 28, 1893. j Messbs. Mvcfaklane & Co., L’d . Honololu, H. I. fk ir S:r:<: —We h;ive m;tiled yon ft copy of the Glof*;-Democrat annoonein*' tiie groiit victory w >u i»y tue A\heusek-Hcsh Association with t!ieir "£AGLE ’ Bnuil of Beor. [Signe-1] ANHEUSER-BUSH BEWING ASSOCIATION. k •I1 * e/ % % $ iWi AflK. - a*? % «V I a 1.3 « wi: «? - ’ > * m V. -V A' <T i 'In ortlering tbis Beer besure toask for the “EAOLE’’ Bruml. ALacfarlane & Co., M *r. 14—-2utl. Agtntafor 11 awaiian lalande. OBmVAY & P0RT1R Robir.soii BIock, Hotel St., helween Fori and Nuuanu, Have Just Etceivid, jtr I ale Aiiivels, iLe i bipebt Stock of FUR MUEE Ever lmj orted to this Countrv, Comprising Handsoms Carved Bedroom Sets In Soli<l Oak. and of the LA TESTDES1GXS. ESPECIAL ATTENT10N 1S CALLED T0 TilESE SETS: WICKER WAHK, Be;\ut ful Des gns of Wicker Wiire, consisting of SOFAS, CHAlRS, KOCKERS, eto.,you eun get these in »ny FINISH vou «lesire. CHAIRS, Conutless numbers of CHAIRS, in everv st\Te, inc!uding OFFICE aml HIGH CHAIRS. tabl We h«ve hui a number of calls for these Tables, with CHAIPS to match. We have now in stock the most BEAUTIFUL DINING R00M FURNITURE EVER SEEN HERE. Sideboards and CMffoniers rrDIVAKrs.^ Divans covered witb PORTIERS are becoming qnite the rage in ulaee of LOUNG£S —we manafactare them to onler, and bave a laige stock of PORTIEUS to seLct from. BEDDIITG. Grett Assortment of WOVE\’ WIRE MATTRESSES—Spring, H*ir, Moss. W.»ol aiul Straw Mattresses on hand and maile k> crJer UVE GEESE FEATHERS «nd SILK FLOSS for Pil!ows CRIBS, CRADLES. etc. WINOOW SHAD£S of all colors and na»& CORNICE POLE8, in wood or br.iss trimmings. X ZEB X X\T Mattresse«, Lounges anJ all Upholsiered Furnitnre repairei a j r- asonable ntes. :CABINET MAKINO. in all its branches, by Cnmpeaent WorL'aien C |MATT1NG LA!D *nd Int rior Deeor »ting umier the Snperris ou o jMr. GEORGE ORDWAY. / Our GooJs are Furst CLs», and nur pneee tre the loweat Come *! and be ennvinoed—a trial is sulicited. B©11 525. TFLEPH0J»E8: Matuai 645. QJBDWAY k FORT£R, Rubinaon Blook, betv«en Fort aod Naoanu