Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 126, 30 Mei 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]
I WM. DAVIES,j Ris:ger, Stevedoix k asd W recker. EsTniATES ASD CONTSACTS OS j ALL KINDS oP WOBK. The Schoooner MAHIMAHI, will nn reguUrir if!t«a this p>rt an-i W&uiiua, Rawai'aaf»ii. MoknWU, K.e«v«cai . •cd Kniki oo tbe i»Und of C«hn. Por Freight, eto , •!>ply to the C«f>uin. Inquire at OflFitv of J. S. i U'alker, ovt-r Spreckels’ Bauk. or Wright Bros> Fort Street.» <Uc lh-»f Long Branch BATHING Estab!ishment. Tbis First-cli'iss Bathmg Hesort has been enlarged an«l is now ‘ open to the pahlio. It is the [ best plaee on t!ie island« to enjoyj a buth and tbere is no bettei plaee to lav oH. S|»eciai aeeom modations f<»r Latlies. Tramcars pass the door «very half ho irand on Satnrdavs a id Sundays every fifteen raiuutes. 0. J. SHĒRWOOD Proprittor Hotel street (Arlington Block.) The alxivc Store hus receivetl auolhei Splemii l Iuvoice of / APANE5E JSlLK, j" ANCY pOODS, Per S.S. “China.” —COMlRlSlNO—BEAUT1FUL SILK |AND CRAPE, Dre®s Goods in «11 : haile, plain am’. hpnre<l. Cushions, T«hle C> vers, Bed C»ivers, (5owns, Chemises, Shawls. Silk Crape Hainliow Silks. AU Colors Fancy Drapcries, embboidesi;d EARDKEEC!flEFS Doillies, So»rfs, 51«shos, Jackets, C.ijw. Etc., Etc. NOVELTIESs The Pi ieoeoi the>e k>od« will astox ish yon iu ;lnāiug ELEOaNĪ SILK KIM0NO8I Hands>»me Cigarette C«ses. Piu Cnshious, Silk Tea Cos.sioa, LiRGE 1M> SM1LL JiPi.1ESE RUUS Silk UoiheeHaa lisbt but atrocj>; Ch*ir S<ad<lles, >»la; Hamhoo Blind». htted with pnl'.eys; Silk Lamp Sh» les, new style. JAPA.VK.SE S« KECNS. From $3 Fp. LIRGE JiPl5ESC UlBRELLiS C*nb« Set 'rith pole in the groand, niee tor Picuics or Lnnohe* oat o i doors, they eau be opened out or used as u lenl, COTTON CRAPES IS GRKAT VAR:ETY |yinspectioa Ko».>ectfnIlT Inrited. MRS. J- P. P. COLLACO, Proprietress. Aprl2-Sms Dr. Ed. Armitage, M. R. C, S. fEnp.] L. K. C. P. [Load.J D. P. H. rUaiverwty nf Caunphridgir> lue m Weimea, L»imad of Kmoai. . rs ESTABLLSHED HIMSELF 1N THF office fbtmeriT oeenpiei by Dr. Foote. c*>mer of Heretanu> and Pauehhowi Sueet> — OFFlCE HOUK8: — 9 to 11 *.a».: 2 k> 4 n.m.; 7 to 8 pja. 8cspvvs: 2 to 4 p.ta. pUnal T«L 234 {mfS) 6rii TsL