Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 126, 30 Mei 1894 — SAFE----BY JOVE! [ARTICLE]
THE IWALANI RETURNS. j "— — — When the well-known wbistle of the steamer Iwalani socnded !ast night, a namber of people rushed down to the wharf. It • was immediately reported that , Minister, ex-Capt. King with his dead-bringing rifle had bored a hole in the Cbampion, and that | the wreck was hanging at the end of a stern-line from the Iwa’ani.lt . was saggested that Necker sland I was being Iow?d in, and that it woald be anchored oatsic:e and I sold to Boeter and Castle It was raraore<l that the Iittle steimer was coming in like the Flying Datchman without a crew. lt ; was possitively stated that John Ena wonld move a vote of eonfidence iu the Cabinet, an l en- ' courage other cxpeditions f<»- the benifit of Hawaii,and the I. I. S. ! S. Co. Karuors tbongh were short.y at a disconnt. The Iwalani reached tlie wbarf and the excite*l cro»d was told that, tbanks to King j 'an<l God) the couq*iestof Nacker I<buuls bad been accomplished. When it was known tbar the ; brave men on board hael brongbt i as tropbies tbe idols, (besicles a peiee of petrified humau desh) | 1 belong*ng to tbe conciuereu isl- . auei the entbusiasm was uu- 1 bouuded. But when it Uf-ked , out tbat tbere were no savages to 1 conquor, no inbabitauts to di*feat, no kanakas to shoot at—not even a Koolau, and that tbc heroic 1 uiiii’ster anel his beroic crew had nevertbeless conc|uered tbe rock | the cbeeriug and excite neai of ; j the crowd heeame sucb tfcat it i took nearly one polieemau to eheek the outburst. President Sanford B. Dole wbo i bad just added an “anneAing’’ I clause to tbe constitutiou whieh is to be framed by a numbc 1 of' friencls, rushed on board. , Scalding tears flowed f - oely elown tbe back of Minister ' ing wben fondly embraced b\ bis cbief While tbe gallant eonqnerer songbt his eahin—fci refreshment, Dole dried lrs eyes, auel immediately peuned oae of his nsual letters in whieh he, in fervent but s< raewhat stereotyped lhiiguage, tbanked tbe “invy” f<»r its services. Blauksfor lbese letters will shortly be printed in tbe Holoml’a olliee, if tbe A lverti*er permits it, nnel filled oit as occasion requires. When the 1 crowd saw tbe idols anel tbe seal, auel tbe turtle soup anotber outburst took plaee iu whieh tbe polioemau bimself joined. Finally tbe President aud bis Admiral departed in tears, and went 1 back for tbe capitol wbere e stifi 1 yarn was spun. W. O. S'raith’8 experience as a goat-huntcr at * Kalalaa is notbing iu coraparison 1 withthebardshipsof biscolleagae * of Necker Island. When J i.nes l Hardbottle Boyd read King’s ■ ' proclaraation, he wept. It was snch a truo oopy of his ewn orir | ginal one rattled otf on Oeean 1 Island while Joe Strong op?ned J f the bottles. Minister of Interior 1 King issned the following decree r of conqnest;
I, Jahes A. Ktkg, Mini«trr of i tht* Interior of the Provi9 onal Government of the Hnwrian I«iands. in jmr?uance of a c«*rrrais9i«n grnnted to me by His E:\cellency 8anlbrd B. Dole, Preside il of the Prov aional Government o*‘ the Hiwaiian Is!ands,do bereby.tn the j nameoftheProvi9ionalGovtrn cent ' of the Hawaiian I«!anos. take f<*91 ?es9ion of thi? ialano know i as Necker Island a»a part of Ha *aiian ierrib'ry; the «ame lying w thin the Hawaiian archipelago, in Utitj ude 23- 1 ,35’. 17”, N. »'id longitude 164° , 30, 00”. W. and h8virg | heen claimrd by 'lawaiian Government as Hawaiian territory >ince the year 1S45, when an ex|*ēdition uodvrCapt William Paty was sent to 9>irvey said island. , Done at Neeker Island this *27th d»y of May, in the year o! our Lord one tū>asand eight huncred 1 j a.id nihtty four. J. A. Kin«.