Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 126, 30 May 1894 — THEY MEET. [ARTICLE]

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Al'ah. Dole Calls His Conventdon. The Government bnilding di»playe<l a sight. nerer to be forgntten. The soldiers were absent, • the {mns were oat of sigbt and eren tbe tai-collector bad hidden himself. What was the occasion? | This qnestion pnt forward by the three Portnpoese infantswho had | gatbered aronnd the portais of Kamehameha I. w«s answered ! promptly by Oapiain Langley j and a squad bv the statemetit that the *'Constitootionel Coonvenshion ro <tes Indeed it did Escorted b\ the ever-obliging ashers. Hassīnger. Totter aml Keohokalole, 1 who so often under the Monarchy osbered people along. a representative of the HOLOMOA found his wav, aud was placed in a posii tion, overlooking the asserably of j the wealthiest. and mogt intelligeut citizeus of Hawaiī. The aroraa iu the hall was j rather tamted with a strong i m xture of c e ip paint. The i { whole »fiiir bad au aspect of { i newness wiiieh was, to say the : le .st objectionable to the kamaaina. The h ill w«snotcrowded. | Tbe usu i’ nssembly froiu the ; Centrai Union church was tliere and the fe'nale voters of the I W. C. T U. were nmueroiis. , FIVE (5) Hawaiians were countI ed in tbe aiulienee that greeted j the appear inee of Dole, Joscpa, . Kalna, Baldwin, and coiupanv. A nomber of oommercial consuls : I were preseut. Mr. W illis aud j Mr. Fojii represeuted the carps āiplomaiie and brought with tliein the oflicors of their respective war-vossels. Great Britaiu, France aud Portug.il were not represeuted. The “eoini biued” coiisul for Russia, Germany aud Austria, appeared in full dress and plug-hat. Evidently th** burden of representing the tliree greatest powers crusbed him. Mr. Goo Kim and bis associale were present looking for a Cbinese l‘raucliise— they didu’t fiud it. Amoi.g our loeal magn«tes were esjiecially eonspicuous Ministers Tliurston r.ud R W. īrwiu who l»oth had c!iairs, if uot the free- ; dom of the fioor. The Snpreme I I Court appe.ired in dominoes (uot ■ 1 piuk) and looked verv wise. The . j Cour cillors all looked handsome I and most of them respouded to I tlie roll-call whieh was given by Dr. Rodgers iu a most inlellipi ' I blenndgracefulmaniierniu\amus- ] ing to tbe spectators. Nearly all j the Conncillors hael good clothes on and wh'le Boeter and Castle j lookeddesp »iringthe tailors looki ed pleased. Iosepa aud Kalua wore ; j their “monarchical” suits from 3 the last Legislature and Teur 1 ney dicin’t care a J d i but appeared in a white longi Tenneys su t. The revcrenci H. H. Parker i I who in fcrra«r clays b9nefitc‘d consicierably by the patronage of Oaeen Liliuokalaoi sacrificed * bimseli and prayecl for the new regime. His prayers, owing to

a tal-snit against him by tbe j p. g. — \vere rather mixed. Sweet and sour went together. In praying for the “Chief magistr:\te’’ of ' Ilawaii he did not commit himself. lt may be Doie, it mav be Judd, it may even j be Ldiuokalani. The Rev. j Parker prays for anybody in ; power and for anybody who! ••digs.” He doesn t pray for the 1 ta^-assessor. Dole then had the “freedom of , the floor.” He opened bis voice and talked to bis |>eople. The People weren’t there thongh. |

What he saūl ean be rea*i in another eolamn. He talked to the hearts bot he didn t b©lieve one word h :nself of what fce was sayiog. His finishing tonch in repeating an old alainanaeh story worthv ol Faul Nenmann was receiTed witb appl uae, by the otfioeholders preseut, When poor DoIe got throngh ; tbe irrepressible Kalaa. the | “Dam o! lao,” was on his feet. and moved that the eonvention adjonrns till tomorrow. K lna is a good raove —and the first I meeting of tbo present circus : ended. The congregation went 1 home, evervbody grinned and * Tenney sent his cloth« io waah. %t.