Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 126, 30 Mei 1894 — Hawaiian Hardware Company [ARTICLE]
Hawaiian Hardware Company
The Adretiiser »ho rmtches a persons eye asomiiv wins a costoaier. M mnv ilirferent stv!es of »dvertisiog have l>een mdopted and witb more orless success. by the believers iu the use of printers ink. The m»nof.ioturers of Pears Si>sp. for instanee, occasiou ally bnv paiatings that have been ou exhibitiou in the Pari*s S;ilon and have iithographs made from them for the purpose of bringmg their pnxl ict before tho people. In addition t<> soch side issues, Pears|>ends hnndre«ls thoosands of do!lats aunuaily a:aong the newspapers and magazines. Someyears ago the \gents of cert.iin article on sale in New York made a hit in advert -iug by haviug ou Broadway during bosiness hours two fatluessly dressed Negroes weariagveiy higbcollars, on the b »cks of whieh was priuted “Uso Smiths Pills.’* Tbe idea was novel and the pulilie caught ou. Rising Sun Stove Polish bas been kept before the public for years throngh persistent, aud sometimes expeusive advertising. Tweuty od«l years ago the manufactnrers of this polisb started balf a dozen meu acrosstheoruiment to p.nut sigus on rooks and fences. Tho Aermotor Co., of Chicago have *increased its sales more than tivo hundred per oent in two years by the use of priuters ink. We beheve we have beeu instrumental iu increa-ūng tho silos oi the Aemotor by keepingeverlastingly ' at i{ in Hawaii. We do not wish to say that advertising will sell auy uianuf.ictured article; tbere is no uso spendiug mi>uey iu advertisiug “eheap and nasty” go«.Mls becanso tho people will not be hoodwinked. If Haviland Oiina wa* not the superior article 4 it is, all our advertising of it wouhl not have so!d the thousands uf pieoes that we have. Wo simply eall the atteutiou of the [>eople to it aud its siiperior quality is appar- ! ent to the cnstomer directly a I pieee of it is oxamined. i > rinters ink has helpeil the salo j of tho James Locked Fence but j it would not have dones so if it had been asf)imsy as tbe or din.iy wire ; fence. pirst; the economy there is in bai)diog it recommends it to the plantaticm manager and then it.s durability oliucbes the the salo Ifthostays and washers cost as mueh as an ordiuary redwood post onr saios of tbe materiai would nut bave reached snch enormous proportions. Our average sale of the Pansy Irou Stove is ubout two a day tho year round. lf was not the best iron stove on tbe market we woukl not sell that mauy m siz months. Advertisiug is the tip ti the publ:c tho good poiuts io thearticle seils it ju-t a.s the good qualities ol the Fiscber Steei ltnnge muke it a dcsirabie article for {>eop)e who wish toecouomiso in the use of fuel.
We bay only wbat b;w proren I good after peoplo in tbe t*niteU btates or Earope bave given it a trial; we profit by their experiuce if Ihe arttclea are goood we buy and setl thein; if they are poo*r we steer clear of tbem. When we advertise an article it is to attract atteution to it, tbe newapaper ; s tbe botton we pa.sb, tbe aaieamae does tbe rest. Persistent advertising conp!ed with the art ela being a saperior one has sold thoasami.s of the Frank \\alcot E;aory file. If it had been no better than an ordinary scytta stone we probably woald not have so!d twenty. W hen a m,«n finds oat tbat his table knives may be keptsharp at all times at an expanse of fiftv cents snd a very little elbow grease be is qaite witiiug to ity the expenment. Thflinict Eariiars 307 Fort btreet