Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 125, 29 Mei 1894 — The Way of the Shah. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

The Way of the Shah.

When the Shah went to Engh<nd iust be visited oue of the Iurgest towus in the West Kiding of Y«rkshire. While driving throngh the crowdetl of thut town he uoticed sorae gamins who hud taken up a very pro- i raiuent position, and were suluting him with great gusto by j applying tbeir thurabs to tbe | extreinities of their uas>l organs. Oo inquiring the meaning of this strunge procedore, be was ' told by bis atteudunt tbal it wa> ! looked upon as a great mark of respect in tbis country. When the Sbab’s visit eame to un end, he was accomputiied to the station by tbe M.«yor of the boiough. When they arrived there tbe train was aboutto start, 1 | aad tbe Shab imm«.-diatoly took ! ; his seat. Just as the traiu was moving {ot), amid tbe cheers of the as- ! semb!ed crowd, tbe Shah roae, i put bis he.ui out out o£ the curriage wiodow, gr»vely -pplied his | £uumb to h is noee, aud spread cut his fiugers io the most approvtd style at tbo astonisued Mayor, I to thal gentleman’s disco;n6tare : and the great deligbt of those who were 8tanding rouud.