Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 125, 29 Mei 1894 — Coxey’s Army. [ARTICLE]
Coxey’s Army.
Wlnle ilie inembers of the inilustiinl nrmy of unemj»loyed who went to Wasbin"ton, are being eutertained in jail by the i sbentt for not obeying tbe noliee to“keep <>tf tbe grass,’’ to wbicb tbev were pusbed o<i by a hnngry j snrging crowd; tbe several governmeiits of Anstralia wbo are also cunfronted witb tbe problem of how toden 1 witb tbe nneiopl<>ye<l aro providing emp!oyinent for all will ng to w >rk. lu Australia j tbe public lands aro being util- ' ised for settlement, and the ‘ industrions !ire assisted by the ; state in founding bomes. Aa i tbe railroads are pnblic property, and in tbe bands o! tbe govern- | meut; one of the chief aids to \ argicultral settlement is secured •to tbe people. Tho fo!lowing ; is froiu tbe S. F. Chi’onicU: la response to generaldemands tb.it tbe govermueut sbonld atfcrd , ass st)ince to tbe nnemployed, scores of deputations representing tliem bave waited upon tbe Kremier, Sir George Dibbs, dur- ; ing tbe past two muntbs and tue i Cabmet by a majority vote has given its iipproval to a scbome of stateaidby wliīeh tbe government will be;ir tbe espense uf clearing , 2.000 farms of 150 acres eaeli, wbicb will be leaseJ oot to akiiled people. It is eskim)ited tbat an eXpeuditure of $1,000.000 will 1 mako tbe land ready fur the ; f)irraer, and tbat the state will 1 m>»ke a gomlly interest on tbe mi vestimeut by leasing tbe land for whe«tgrowing at tbe rate of $1.2ū an acre a year. By adopting tbe system of small contracts for clearing the laml over 10,000 ean be eraployed.