Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 125, 29 May 1894 — CORRESPONDENCE [ARTICLE]

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' I [\\>do oot hold onTHtsl ves rpH|»ia.<ubl« for j tbe opinioi)!* or the utU-Dn»crH o: oai ooiTe-»i> >u ieuU.J Ei>itor Holomua: Jt is re.»llr HstonisLiag th>«t at this late hour aml aficr that anuexutiou~j ; clieme has been disposed of long ngo and declared I in ail quarters as dead as the j proverl»ial doornail, that auyhow sorae or the other annexationcrank bobs np serenely teliing us ! about all the prufits and beauties expected frora anoexation etc. Now for the benefit of ail sach cranks let it be said: thai annexation of the liaw.iiian ls!ands tu [ the United States never has been i 1 aud never will be wanled whetber j by the Uuited SUtes Ooverninent or by the Hawaiian }»eopIe. and i | that annexation ag tiust tne will j i of the latter is un im{a«sibiliO’. ; VVe do not believe timt the p. g. | ever has beeo in earnest witb . | that so culled anuexati>>n scuerae, i j it was only to serve as a eloak £or | other neUrious parj>oses iu whioh l tbey have been fairly successful • so £ar; none of thera ever hus ; desired annexation pure and | simple, and tiie very best ptoof for this assertion furnishes . their own work inthe shape o£ a “tre.ity” £orwarded bv theai ! tbroogb tbeir couuniss>oners to ; Washingicu; as s> on as the ; £eatures of the so-oalled “treaty*’ | bad fouud pnul cation, ne pn>1 nonnced it th« n as tbe wors o£ a I j i lot o£ loola or lot of kn«Tea,

or both. *nd bo» ftr *e were r»ght or «rong »n o»rr jo»lpment ,c«n be ts«en in *bat Sen-»tor Oaoiel of Virgini» in bi» Apeeeh before the Sen»te on *"the eonspir«cr agaiust tbe H*tr«?ians.” says; * This tre*ty entailed gre«t ob- ' iigations npon the peop e ol the l nite«1 States. Tbe pnbl»c debt of the H«traiī«n Isl«nds inclnding «rooonts due to depositors m the Hiwaiiao PostaI Stvings Bank was thereby assaroe»l by the govemment of the United St«tes, wiihin tbe limit f tbr“e «nd a quart»-r iu.llions of a doliars: the l »te Qneen of tbe ITaw.-tnan Lilinok tl.m! w«s tberem , treat» d as a subj* ct of sr.ob tender i ’nter» 't that >iie w ,> n-.ulo a pen»ioner i>f ocr Govermnent intheruund somof >‘2t3o,(XXl with an annnity of $20,000 dnring her natural life, oonditioned upon !ier 8*ibniission to tbe authonty the United St«tes and tbe loeal i goTernment of tbe islands. The Princes8 Kaiulani w«s to rece ; ve 1 a do»iceui of $150.000 from the Uuited States npon the I ke eonditions. i In retnru for these m»d other C‘>usiderations the ii dej>endenrv of the is1a;ids w.is reooanued and aud t e eutire territory trans feired to the L uited States to heeome hu iutegral { art tbereof. lt w.ts further provid« d that witlnn n year Co»'gre»s sbonld euact neccssiti v iegis!ation to exteucl to the Haw iiau Islands the htws t f the Unit« d 8t.ttes resj ect i īug <iuties upon imports. interDal revenue. coiumerce and iiMvigation, and these immeuse sugar ; honniies wou d have 4H*eoroe a charge of our ti‘easurv. We sball preseutly see th«t Si»gar played a ;arge p.»rt in this | busiuess, aitiiongh s:lence ou that point is severely maiutfiined hy many wh<> uudertake t<> assign the causes of the so-calle»l revoiutu>n. lf Lilinokalani be t!ie nufit and uu<leserving person, she is now descrihe<l to be. why is it that she is «l<'eined worlby t<> he snp ported in r<>yal fasliion hy the tax-r>avers of the Umted Statefi. i and thus grandly welcomed into | the bosom of oar naiional honsehoLl? Wliy sho'ild her name he inscribed upnn tbe j>ensi >n n>ll \ ; of buuor lngii above that of our geiierals iiu<l ndinirais and their : w.dows au<l oi |>h)tiis? Whv shonld we. str;»ngers t<> her, make for her th>s pr>>v si>>n f r*-vereut mmn ficeaoe, if we have doi:e her no i wr<>ug, why this g >rge<ms rep.tration t>> her »u<l the CrownPr;ncess? lf s?ie he fit to be a | retired l)».v>g,r Q i-shh of the L n te«i St.it<->, wby u>>t fit to he Qaeen <>f hm - <>wu c<>nntry, at the , e\peuse of its t >x-payers. iustead ‘ of onrs? If >i,e h.<s f<*rfeited all tli:ngs, why slioui<l >\e pay lier L>r tb it wbicb sh«‘did iu>tpossess aml c<>uld u<>t sell? er theu would—be benefactors are now detmctors hiuI n«>ue of tiiei>i biive venlured to auswer tl,ese conundiums as y«-t. if »he he eutitl< <l from u« to j tliismagiiificeut doncear.it isonly hec.>use she was robhe«l, :«n<l it is |len«lere«l !is couseience-innney. B it why shoa\i we be asked to | join ia the consci>'nce tviuler, if i \ve >1;«1 not particii>ate in the deed? The fact th.«t she prefers j the tarmoil of ber own tbn>ue to ; peaee with boanty aiul safety is the best evideuce of her sinceiity. I ' Did con.scienee, ab«sbed at the i j enormity of its otfense, pr«nnpt i tbe propose«l restitation? Wbv I sbould Uie Hawaiiau commissioners be so e»ger for tho restitution of the Queen to fortane at our ■ es(>ensc and so indignaat if it be j i proposed at theirs? * * * Panse now nnd remamber. Seuat<>rs, if you please. ' tuo situntiou tb«t Preside t Cievelttnd h ««1 to d al witb. A goverument, bnt h d«y o!«l, aod j c«.»nfesse«liy inc.«pable ut tbe time | 6f protccting the life aud prcq>er- 1 ty of its peopie. bad bastened . frt>m its sbores, commissioaers to j sel! «>nt its territory «nd iis inde- | j>e;;den«re. Before tbe trausaction j i c<>«itd be romplet«sl, it w«s so [ limp. bei{>less «u<i iosane, tb«t I ; it b«d bidden its n«kedoess aoder ! i tbe folds of our d«g and tbe pr j- i 1 jH)sitio!« pended bofore the Uuited States to hoid tbe ilerce I grip of oue lUai.eU fcaod apoa tbe cuuutry \»b.le witb tbe otber [ sigued tbe bill of salē. Abborrent ta eummon instincts oi houeaU, «bborreot tu every

cs>neeiv*blo principle of rigfal; iof«moas in every Conrt of eqaitv vron*d sach » tmnsaction b« t helweea indiv:daals or corpomtions, «nd, to my rniad, between this gre*t snd illastrioas n«tioa «n«l thi« fceb!e ward of its fricndship. however, olbers m«y reg«rd it, it is shockīng to my even* eoneepiion of fair dealing.” Nowye annexationīst «nd otber schemers sme!l at tb«t and oblige Amebicjln CmxEs. Et>itor Holomua: *: 11 Tbe tone of the artide signed “Egg<." that appeared 5n the morning stickler of ro«n-ish macfcine }>olitical women. c’e«riy j shows him to be a cbar:tct»-r not j to be trasted «fter d«rk «nywhere near the hen-ro«'st of lns ueigb bor. Minist«-r Da*»on has s.mj»ly j dono his dnty, whieh is to >jh*u<1 , tfae t>x}> * wrs mon*-y t« the l*est a<]v«ntHg*-; bat that suit» not tlie principtes «>f Egg», »s he wouhl have tbe Mmisler award the eontract to t!«e Advertiser at « moeh h;glier r.«te. whieh is t»ut«moutit t<* ste»lmg the j nblic ra<*uey. Elggs h«s sb«>wa tbe rottenness <>f his cb«iacter for *f he had been Miuist«*r <>f Pinmee. he woul l h >ve committed tliis ibeft of pnb lie money. in order to helf> the A«lvertiser and wh«t is l«’ft of the party of St«-vens Mr Eggs, theie is »u nnsavory sraeb «>f rotten eggs thronghont your «rt:cle —or in plain English—it stinks. Disisfectiok.'