Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 125, 29 May 1894 — Two Intellectual Giants. [ARTICLE]

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Two Intellectual Giants.

A correspomlence has p.tssed i l»etweeii Allah D >le and his [ Prophet W:tlter O. Smith. The letter fr«»m the latter to the form er is not published, but it eontains an offer of the Prophet to j go fi»rth —presmoably at governraent expense —and preach be- , fore the Bepublicausof theUnited 1 Stat»*s the evaugelium c»f ann*-x- | ation. The answer fr»*m theon!y Dole is so unu[iie and shows tbe high opinion tl.»e two great men have of themselves individual!y, and «ppMreutly —if not sii>cerely I of eaeh other Allah l)olo’s 1 tter should be j»reserved as a proof of the total laek of aj*prehensioiL. of the true fooling in Amenea towards Hawaii, whieh is so characteristic of tbe blind moloa who eanuol even see the t p of their own noses leave alone the writing on tho wall, and who j eall themselves the rulers of j Hnwaii. Allah Dole t<» bis Prophet Walter G. Suiith: Honolnlu, May 15, 1804. Mr. Walter G. Sinith: Your lettor enclosing the eommnnieition of Mr. Hum|)hrey. Secretary <»f the National Kopuhliean Leagne of the United States whieh suggests th<it soine politic*al c>rgaiiization bore. or the Pn*vi sional Government sb<»uld delegnte you to speak for Hawaii aud tlie policy of annexatic>n bofore the League conveution so>»mJo be held in Deuver, has waited toc» long for au answer. Wiiile 1 agr**e »ith you th«t it wonlii be“nii\vise for tiie Provisional Governiuent or tho |»<»1 iti—eal organizrttīuns \vhic*li su}»port it to bocome ident ficd wit » auy poliiieal party in the United i States when all eouUm fnends ! anel advocate8 c»f tl o annexationist pc»licy,’ I feel tbat it would be uo easy matter to find one who t;ouId represent the canse of Hawiūi beforo tbe convention with m«»ro oloc]'ieiu*e and enthusiasm than yonrself. Onr reijuest for polilieal union witho Uuitod St;»tos is to the wholo Atnerican peoplo, and it is uot for ns to encoungo any toudency tlu»t may exist to make a party nniUei* of it. With Amenoa it is au A>uor»cin qnosti.»n aud m«iiy of tlie best minds in all partios are fully enlistecl in its f vor—not to speak of tbe growihg puhlie senlnueut whieh is rapidly iuastenng tho situniion. 1 h»»vo the h<>uor U» be, vety sincerely yoors, Sa\fo!U> B. Dolf..