Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 125, 29 Mei 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]
jlationa] Ii>on Wop^ Qc£ex Stkht. Between Alaiea A Hiehani Sta THE rNI>EBSIGXED e» prepu«d to B*ke *U kir-.de of Iron Brvs. Broaje, Zioc, T:n ud temd Cmttms». Aiso Gener»l Repōr Hkop *or simiu Enguw*, Kiee VLia», Cora Mūli. W»t«r \Vmd Milk. rlc. Mschia#s fur th« of C. ffee, C*Uor Oīk. B«u>s Ruuie. S»«l, PinMppl# Lmtv» Jk 'ther Fihron< PUaU, And P«p«r Sto<-k AI>o Mschin«s (or Extracting Starcb (rom tise Meaioe, Arr -w K*x>t, etc. HW Ail Orders prusnptlT i!U?iiierI to. <VHITE. RITMAN « CO. TH E Provisioool (!oīemiaeot OFFICIAL LIST OF MEM BERS AND LOCATI0N OF BCKEAUS. ElKiTTIVK C-OCXCIL. B. Oole. rr*-»l>!ent of thr (e>Torn ment of lh - ilieaiuu lsUui(l>, «9>! Minl«ter of Foreufn A81Ura. 1. A. Kinj; t Miai«ter f the In:enT. S. M. nnmon, «inl«h*rof Kiiuaaee. W. O. ?mitū. Atu>niey-(.reuer«i. Al>VI50RT Cocnciu W. C. WIMw. Vte*-Freal(tent of the Pr»Tl«ton«l •'»ovemuieut of the .iawalUn I«l«n<]«. Bo’te, John Kmmelulh. lleell Brown. E. D. Tenney. John Xott, \V. F. Alleu. John En«. Henry W»terhou»e. J»mes F Morx»:i A. Y»un*. Fd. S hr. F. M. H«tch, J‘V«. P. Menilonea. L'hai». T. R.xl«vra, Ex. * J A>1» Councll* Stpkkmk Coubt. Hon. A. F. JiuM, Chl>f lii»tico. Hon. R. F. Bickertou, Flr»t Aaaoeiale Ju»tlre. Hon. W. F. Fre»r. ¥e>-»n>i A»sociate Jiwtlee. Henrr 8mitn. Chlef Clerk. Geo. Luc> ». t)eputy Clerlt. C. F. Peter«on.Sec'>n>l Deputy Clerk. J. \VaIter J»nes, Stenojfr«pher. ClBCCIT JUDUKS. Flr».t Cireult: J!f; 0.h. Sec >nd Clreuit rM»»i) t. '». Ivep>lkal. Tu>idati>t PourthCtre iits: (Hawau)S. ŪAu»tln Fift!> Circutt; (Kauai) J. Harly. Oliiee» aud Court room lu C»url Hoiine, Klnir <treet. Slttinat in II innlalo—The llr»t Mo>»i»y iu February, May, Aiign»l and S> rem ber. Dkp*btjck>t or Pokkiuk ArrAin». OHioe m Capltol >Suiidl *. Klng street. Hl» Excvlleiipy iiaufur 1 B. 0o>e, .4iui»ter o( Foretyu Adaii>. Oeo. C. Potter, Secret ry. W. Hor»ce Wngi»t. Uoiiei Hart, Clerk«. Dkp*btj«kxt or IntkiuobOfflce in ExecullTe Buiidtng, Klng »treei. HL* Excelle>iey J. A. Ktnf, M:nister of Inlerior. Ch»ef Cler», J >h > A. Has» mter. Ajeilt--i.it Cler«»: James H. U»yd, M. K. KeohoKalo.e. Stephen Mahaulu, oeurge C. Koo* Ed«iird 3. lk>y.L Bcbkau or Aokicultukk *yo Fobjkttbt. Pre»nlent; Hi« Excelleucr t e .Mini»ter of luter;>>r. Wm. (i lr*ln, Ailan iier»erl, Jonu Em. J >sepa Comnu«aiuuer aud Sectetary. CHIKn >r UUKK ie». f2TTKBtOB DKPABrBK>n •>arTeyor (Jeiier«l, \V. II. A!ex»nder. Snpt. Pub! e WorK». W. E. Ko > ei». dupl. Water W.jrK», Amtre»r Bruwn. I;i«;«-< :.>r. Electric i.Uuu, Johu C«»sidy. Rcgi»ir«r »f C uTey«uces, T. O. Thruiu. IU»>1 »>ipervi»»r. II .noiu.u. W. H Cu nml iK» Chie< Euginerr F»re l*ea>t., Jo». il. HunL aapt. luaaiie A»yiuo>, Lii. A. jtc»Vayne. DK P*KTVfK.TT OK Fl.T*TI K. Office, ExecutiTe Bnildtng, Kiug >treet, -lul»ter of Piuanee, Ml» Excellency d- M. Damon. Audttor-ijeneraI, George J. K .««, ReRi«ir«r of Aeeounu.W. o. A»«Iey. i'iene »f Pluauee Offlce, E. A. Mcluemy. Cui:ectur-OeDeral of Cuatom, J«*. U. Ca*Ue. Tax A«aes5or. ■ >»h>». J iu«. ».i w. Uepuly Tax An<n»t, W. C. We«doa. Pot.uagtvr-<ieoers!. J. Mort O.i, Ccrroiis Krxx*c. Offlee, Custom Uo ie. E«pUnade. Fort <rvet Co»ieetor-Ge::er4:, J •«. B C*»'..e. Dep;Uy-Co .eet--r F. U. Me-t «xer. .l«rU>r .i«ster. ( «.•uia A. Fdliar. Pnrt S..rreyor, M. .» 3.n<t-irv Store*eep.r. >«eurxe C. 9trate*iey«r. Dkp«kt**m or Amuui'iuKKL Office tn ExeeottTe BalMlng, Klng »treet Attorney-T««oeral. W. O. >mna Dcpuiy Aiv>mry Wuder. ClcrK. J. M. *«. Kimui. £. G. H;tchcmrk. > Vrk lo H«tsh«j. (1. m. I»». Depulr Mar»o >.. Artuar >4. Hn*n. Ja*Iur Oahu Prtaui-., J. A. !*>«. Pri>oo Phr»lcL*u, Uī. C. d. Cooper. Bo*at> or iB*r:«.vTio!*. Pmt>1ent. -H» Eieelleue* A. King. itaiuher o« tae rt >*r t ot ltuiUfr*U->n; e&oo. J. d. xiaer*oa. J«*. H. C««:!e. Hoo. A. 9. Ciegt> >rn, J«me* G. Kpenoe*, M«r* P. Robcnj>o. *BcUry, Wrmjr T«ylor, Bo*i» or Hkalih, OOeein froa>idiof Coart -I > i«e BoiMlng, eoruer oi 4iiiu.ii «ai >4**a.. street«. M«mbers Dr. D»t, Dt, Mlner. Dr. Aadrew«, J. T. 'Waiemouae Jr., Joun Eaa, Ihao. i’. aad Attamey-ueaer«i SmiU>. Pieaaieai—du». W. o nmith. ->«eret«ry—Oha», W.ioox. Ex« >tsve C. 8. Beyaeld«. Impeetgf «>d daoacerat LUro«*e S*x *io« —U L La Pierre. ih»p(ector—G. W. 0. Jooea. Poct Puy»tcta , Df. U. U. Aiulmei Bi>*y, Dr. n. w. tiow«rvL ceper detuemedt, Dr. K. K. uurer. Bo*«t> or Esct*tKMi. Coart Hw» BuL>iiax, KUf.ltimt _ Hoil C SL Kuaop . >V. Jamea Amith. ot «ehouia, a. X. Aikln lmmA.71 Ounu TCotJBXL Mnehaa; «imi Ckrk