Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 125, 29 Mei 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]
WM. DAVTES, Stevedoix' ako W recker. E>TT3L1TES ii'I CoSTRACTS 05 AJLL KXVI> oF WOBK. The Schooonej MAIIIMAHI. «ill raa regnUrijr thi* pcrt and \Vaialcis MokaUia, wenui •nd Kniki on the ukad of Oaha. For Freight, etc . «;jplr to tbe C«p'«in. Inquire at Olie- of- J S. \V»lker, ov-r J*j.reckels’ i>ank, or Wright Broe Fort Street. <W tf-tf Long Br£.iich. BATHING I Establishment. ThisFirst-cla a Bathinp Besort has been enlaigetl an<l is no« open to the pub!ic. It is tl»e best plaee <m tUa islan<ls to -iujo\ a bath aml tkore is m better plaee to Iay oft. S:**c>.». a< eoiu moJations for L id»es. Traiacai> pass the door ntery half ho srand on Saturd »ys and Sundays everv fiftecn miuntes. 0. J. SH • RWOOD Proprietor iT T Hotel street (Arlington Block.) The above SU»re l:.is reoeive»t :.uotb< 8pleudid Iuv0ioe ot f APANE8E SlLK, r \NCY pOODJ Pcr S. S. “China.” —co.vi RISINO—- ’ i 1 {BEAUT1FUL SILK |AND CRAPE, Dross Goods iu «II «hiule, plaia and lignre<1. Coshious, T«I»le Cov-rs, Bed Covtrs, <iowus Cheiuiee&, Shawls. Silk Owpe Kaiuiiow Siiks, AU Colore Faucy Draperies, E1BS0IDE£ED H/SDEEECH1EFS Ooilliee, Scarfs S uah w, Jac kets, C Etc., Etc. NOVEI.TIES: The Pnee» of these G m>.U wiil aalouieh \x»U iuol idxug ELEŪANĪ SILK KIM0N08I H <uuhsouie Cignritte Case«, F:n Cu»tuous, Silk Tea Cossies, LARGE 1\D 5M1LL JAI’4.\KSK Rl«S Silk Unjbreltns, T.ght bnt »trong; CUair Saddle*, Sut; Bamboo BHu ls, itted with pui!eys; Silk Laiup Shadt«, aew »tyle. J APA> E»E 'Chir\\ tn>m $3 t>. LlR(aE JlP tMSC L BBRELLiS Cma be Set wi:h p ote in the gronnd, aiee for Pieiuo or Luncbeaont of doore, tbey ean be opened out or n»ed as a U-uU COTTON CRAPES 1N GREAT VAR ETY E/l»spwtii>ii Beepe;t!niij Invited. MRS. J. P. P. COLLACO. Propnetres*. Aprl.'-3m« POUND MASTERS NOTiCE. Notiee » |prebv givra to aH pewone. that iwa ia at tba Gov«aumen5 Faud at M«kiki, ona str*ywd vute hon», kait«r <m haad. brawdad O H oe tefl hrud (eg. Am; patHMt or |*«k>m ounon( Uūs Iwmw in wonoHei lo oxM ud taka U» ■» mt or Mor< 12 «'ekek noott 8ATt T BDAV, MAY. 2n. 19M. JAMES Kakiki, UMJ. W, 1«M.