Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 125, 29 May 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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XOTlCK. DCRIXG it'y aN»eno* fron> th»* $Un<fe. 'lr. F. J. LOWU>.Y wi;l ai-t ii>r ne onder fall powrr of Att«‘mev, an<l I •vi 11 not re9p>t:'.<ibl-* for anv hilU eontraite*i bv anvone eisv in mv n»im\ Mr. K. C. R >H K wiU mllen l to>ny >rders left mt the sh*>{>. Honoluln. >lmv 2t>. ISH lJ3-»W!l!y Dr. Ed. Armitage, M. R. C. v [Ene 1 L. K. C. P. ;t.- n l.] H. P. H. fl’nivrrsitv ol Campbri*li{ei, Ute of Waiuit.it, Ulaml of Kaami. HAS FSTABLISHE1> HIM>F.LF IX TMF office fonuer!y ooenpiei br Pr. F<>>te. cornerof BereUuua aail Punehhowl Sueet- — OFFICE H01RS: — 9 to 11 a.m.; ‘2 to 4 r*.ni.; 7 to 3 p.m. Si'Nmv<; ‘2 t»< t p.m. Mutnal Te». 2H (mj22) Be!l Tel. 14S \The Lease and ihe Good ’ TT 'ill of ihis Favorite FKiTZ J. WII.HELM, The “Eagle \\ous e Fcr Fami!y lloiel.

THKRE AKE FOUR DETACHED C>ttages an»exed t» tlie 5lotel saitable f >rpriv.it j The main bnītding conUins 20 Be<i Hooms l.irge Dining Hooin. P.*rlor. etc The fnrnitnre is all eltg«nt and in g >od condition. • The Gr>»unds :»rrr beautif>dly laid out in Tre«s, Flo«reis, FernS, and other Pinnts. Tbis bosiues8 cm be brongbt at a barg«in on easy terms as U> payment. £flF~App!y to T. E- KROUSE. , ArImgton Hotel olliee. may 9-tf

PACIF1C SALOON. Ck>rner King «ml Nanann Streeta. ED\V. WOLTFB.... M*nag*r. The Finest Hel.>cnon of LIQUORS and BESR, soW any\»here in the town. Fir»t-claas atten<lence. Call and jndge for yonrs**lf. no 90-*f. t]mr>ire Saloon, JAMES OLDS. PnoPKinon, Fins 088?, ALWAT.H ON' HAND. Comer Nnuanu and HoUd Stre«ta 'Vli Telephoac 241. Poat OlUoe Bot 107 Chas. T. Gulick N0TARV PUBLiC For the Island of Oaho. Agent to Take Acknowle»l{»roent* to Labor Contracts. Agent to Grant Marriage Lieenses, Honolnln, Oahu. Agent for the Haw’n I»lands of Pitt <v Scott’s Freight and Parcels £xpress. Agent for the Burliogtoo Kouie. Rsal Estale Msr a£itenl 348; Mut. Tel. 139; P. O. Box 415. 0FF1CE; No. 38 MERCHA.NT 8tr»et Hnnolnlu H. i. POLND MASTER’S NOTICE. Nohoe ū» hcrehy tc* a!l j>-rv>c*. that thrre U >t the G>Ht-ruai»at Ponud »t Makiki, one «hit« h>.>tw, haltor ou ou iull iuod leg. Any pc/von or |*<non» otru.Bg th;s honw »ro r»ja<5!ieii to «»•« ud t ihe aaaK- on or 1*1 12 u'oloek no> a SATUkDAV, MAY. 2a, !*M. JAM£S KUKONA. Poao<i Maa*er.