Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 125, 29 Mei 1894 — POLICE COURT. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


■ ■ ■ The bosiness before Jadge Rubertson this- morning eompnses the trial of Tomango on ; 'i charge of larceny whieh ifter j . l>ricf h»aring was nol. pros. Ah K .m, vHgrancy aud Tceek Chee larceny. remundec to Jane • ‘2ud. Knni. vagrnncy, nol. pros. Anlone Wolfe p'eaded guilty to viul «ting c»rriage regalatious | and whS fiaed 82.00 and 8100 ; costs. K.iuhau (w) was convictod of i selling beer witbout a lieenee am\ fine«l 8100 aml 81 00 costs. Three celestials, Hoi Coee, ! Choe Hi>>- and Yonng Ean, cbarged \vith vagrancy wero re- | manded tu June 2nd.