Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 125, 29 Mei 1894 — A Sad Death. [ARTICLE]
A Sad Death.
— It is with deep regret tbat we ' have to record tbe aalime!y death of onr esteemed {ellow-citizen J. H. Lovejoy. who departed from this life at 9 o'eloek a. m. Tbe immediate car.se of death was. para!ysis. Mr. Lovejoy was stricken down ]ast Satorday and . did not ral!y since. **Joe” Lovejoy wasborn in the United States 51 years ago. He fought ia the war of sectssion on tbe Nortbern side. and was ever since an enthasiastic and staanch member of tbe loeul branch of the G. A. R. He »mved in Honolnlo about twentv-five years ago, and entered th*e eraploy «>f Cbarles Long, a weli-known I qoor mercbant. When Long die<l in 1880. Lovejoy formed a partnersbip with Macfarlane and Brewn. and boaght the basiness whieh was condacted nuder the firm name of Lovejoy <fc Co. Eventaally he bonght out his partners, and h«s conducted his business on his account. He ! was also the owner of tbe Au chor Saloou. He niirr'-'<1 M'ss a Hawaiian !h<1\' wlu» s»urviv-*.s hlm. and wīth who.n he !eaves issn»*. B--s'd«*s l>**īng.ss st- - «te«l, : i n)eiiil»**r of the G- A H, he was an O-M-Eeilow helonging to ti»e Harmonv Loilgr- ‘Joe’ L' \>jo\ \\as g»*nerallv evte»*tued aud well—l'k>*d for his muiiv sttrling q!ialities, aud the community ext©nds tlie sincerest syrapathy to the berenv ed family. s«> snddenly deprived i f its head and supp«>rter. The | fuueral wiil take plaee next Snnday at 3 p. m.