Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 125, 29 May 1894 — LOCAL NOTES. [ARTICLE]

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Tbe W. G. H»ll left this morning on her naoal ronte. Burglarie« are becom»ng freqnent. wbere is the Police / To-morrow will be Memorial ! D3V I Marshal Hitchcock raay arrive toiuorrow —and tben he inay not The funer.tl of tbe late J. H. Lovejoy will take plaee uext Snnday at 3 p. m. Frofessor Lihomio ba? amnged a verv pretty selection of Portuguese songs for the Concordia. Thurston will address the Convention and prove a howling post as nsaal. The Legislative Hall in Aliiolani Hall is being paiuhnl and farnished f*>r the C >nveution. Onlway and Porter will receive I by the PlHiiter. the l«test designs in new furniture at bed rock fig- : nres. L J Levev will sell tlie h«>nsehohl fomitnre «>f H. Lrlich on : his Beretania street residen«*e on : Thurs<lay. The Kinaa will airive toraorrow loaileil with sagar an«l “eonstitutional wis«lom’ encased in «leleK* tes - Thore is a ravsterions sch«»oner to be seen <>ff L ihaina.KaiioolHwe and Lanai. Where nre tlio Cns toms Olficers? The Anchor S »loou, »s well as t!ie st ire of J. H. Lovcjoy were ch)se<l today on aeeouoi of the death of the proprietor. Francis etc. Hanlen is boiug well advertised by tbe daily j papers. He will possibly depart by the Arawa for Victoria. J. B. Atherton is a c >niraittee of oue to eall on Minister Willia and confer with him about the ( celobration of the -4th of July. — Miss Lucy Pexbodv has pnr— | cliased the preraises ou Vineyard i street reoentlv occnpied by Mrs. I Chas. Arnold, froiu Bruce Cart- | wright. “Senator Stanford,’’ ‘Leilum’’ and “Aotouomy” ull belonging to the Gay stibles arrived iu town vesterduv ready for the llth ; 0f JllllO. The Paradise of tbe r «cific is now owneil by Frauk L. Hoogs aud J F. Clay. Thoir first issue is tbe May number, wh eli does thein credit. f Mr. A. 8. H»rtwoll is the s{>eaker toiaorrow at theexercises iu honor of Docoration D»y. Tho procession starts frora Harmony hall at ‘2 30 p. ra The poliiieal women of Hono- ; lulu who wi»nt to vote with the other old women in tbe Councils sre nieeting this afternoōn at tho I. M C. A. Hall__to hear theraselves talk. The casa of T«lu!a H iyselde n :vs Wahineaea, ejectmeut, was ! contiuued before Judge Cooper an 1 a m xei jary t«>day aad w w not fiu<sh«Hl as our pa’.»er g'»es to press. Asbford aud Browu for plaintiff Nawahi for defeud vut. If the Iuter Islands S S. Cos. will give sorae indiicements to horse owners on Oahu several race horses may ba t ikea to Mani for the 4tb of Jaly meetiag, a fsct that woold eneourage many people from here to viait M»ni for the Kahulai r.»ces. Francis Leo G. Hanlen escorted by detective BoyIe was ont i >r an airing this afteruoon. He called at the Holo»';a clfiee auJ expressed himself in a mos4 einpbatic maoner about a numhei of blooroing, blasted etc. etc.. officials in this towu. Leo raay oi may not b >sri tbo Anti 1 Forraor eipeneaeeH ol" deports- ( tion have not beea «lt->gethei | ple is»nt. It soeras always to b« i ditficalt to land the hopelol yooth k who ia “to> g>od for thi« world.