Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 124, 28 Mei 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

M. LOSE, £sotary Eublic. Collector and Ge leiel Bu#iness Age*it. Paienlee of LoSi’s Chemical CoMPor\D for Chrifying Cane Juue. Sub-Agent for seve r ral of the Best FIRE L\SURAXCE COS. lelephone ». ?. O. Box 338. l!erchant street, H > wlnln. Citysa Wleat I Market Oppo. Qaeen Eanm Estibliihed 1883. J0S. TINKiīR, ĪAW Maker of the Celehrated Cambridge Pork Sausage ! Try Them. Meat Delivered to A. y Part of the City aud Subarbs. Mutnal Telephone liDLiber 289. The - ; Eagle House” Poi' The Lease nnel tne Good Will of this Favorite Family Hotzl. THEEE AEE FOUE DETACHED Cottages annexe<l to the !totel suitab!e forprivati fami!ies. The niain building co.itains 20 Bed Rooms large Din rg Roorn. Parlor, etc. The furniture is all elegint and in good con< : .5tion. The Grounds are btau ;ifully Ia!d out in Trees, Flowers, ]\:rns, and other Plants. This business ean be l rought at a bargain on easy terms is to pay* ment. gMF“Apply to T. E- KEOUSE, Arhugton H >tel office. may 9-tf CJEMENT glDEWJ\U$ *A\D Curbinr Laid. £stimates given on all kind<» of $tone, dcqcPet8 Woi^ C0\CRETE A SPECIA1TT. JSO. F. EOMLEE. janl7 3m Established 1863 Pioneei Steam Candy i V' FACTOilY . 8iCKE8T aii 1CE C8ĒAM FARL0SS F. HORX, Profrieb»r. Wedding and Bi~thda\ Cakes to Order. Fancy Bread and Guam Jelly. F*ctory and Store, - Xo. 71 King Both Xelephoj66 74 8treeC