Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 123, 26 Mei 1894 — Queen's Birthday Entertainment. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Queen's Birthday Entertainment.

Thursdiy evouing tlie large Assembly hall iu tbe Cathedral groundscf St. Andrew’s Church was hlleii with au audience assembled to do houor to Queen Victoria’s birtbday. A following well selectt*d program was pleasingly presented, tho pianoforto aids to vocalisation being rendered by the Revd. V. H. Kitcat and Wray Tavlor. It woohl be invidious to select anv nuraber for special n;ention, but the hand-bell perforraances of AIr. Armstrong Smiths boys was the gera Dr. Iugs possessed 1 a rioh karītonē voioo whieh 1 is iioped to be heard ofteu. The choir of St. Audrew’s n.itive congrega:ion, were twenty in uumber, iml saog well. Refreshments baving beon serv- 1 ed aud a pleasant tirae of social conversalion enjoyed, the exercises clo.-ed with a brief address bv B:shop A\ i 11is and the singing of “God save tbe the Queeu” and “Hawaii Ponoi.”