Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 123, 26 May 1894 — STRAY NOTES. [ARTICLE]

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— If it ba«i not been war t:mes dot Schnetz?n clab woold not have obtained sach a kin 1 bear- . ing from tbe President and Vicv President the otber dav. i l * The lately returned MiliUn Cadet wiil experiment with hinewly leumei Lactics on the p. g sqaads next full moon. When is the Gre.t W O. S ■ g».iig to bnng Koolaa into e.unp M>litary fauerals eoeie high bu: • us we aro 6itoaled hang tb>I cost. It is mightv handy to h.we th< right mau as foremun on a job, <>ne who knows how to 0. K. bi > j>;itrons iumber bills. Taiking ubout annexation Scot- . I»iid and Irelaud were annexe«I . b\ suvh shuirieless bribery aud ( corrnptioo us one sees j>ractised ii. Hawaii by the ai»nexationists nui [ now the Union,of Eugland to Ire , land aml Seotlaud is pulling to I pieeea almost siraultaneouslv. The iast muil iuforms us that th j Br tish Hou.se of Commons liai |>u>.se«l bv ten votes a mution ia favor of Home Kule for Scotland,