Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 123, 26 May 1894 — Untitled [ARTICLE]
Tnqairer in yesterday’s A<l1 r< • ;i.*er tak« 8 the Minister of . E nar.ee t<> ask fur >K>ing what , tl>e L»w deu .inds namely; when f th * g«)veriiiieiit .isks fur b*ds; i th it tlie Kwe»t bidder sk«»uld , get the eo itract. This is so j obvion8ly h >iiest and aj>proved 1 tu the metlixls and iuterests of t th » ring wh< se brand “Inquirer” 1 1* :»rs, th »t 1e:s of course “gre.it- , ly surprised t As Inquir*r is evidently one of > that s*;lect h«ird of jH;ts whose r el«mgited ears delights in bear . i ing hi.s own “brav,” he asks the 1 folIowing ftnggering question. L W’ooKl Mr. OaiEon recomtoeud 1 the trnst*,;6s uf tbo Central Union Ohoieh l > rent it, during tlie 1 w««k to liuia daucers, becuuse 1 iDouey eonh be saved bv 80 vloing 1 aml n “stri( t eoouomy’’ be ob * served. T\ w hieh the HoLOMUA r«-plics for i self by asking “Inf >jinrer. wi at iu the difference ‘ between a h ila sbow, owneil bv • Centr.»I U.iion people ut the l Mul \vinter Fair and oae in the ■ ehuieh gi*)Uiids. ’i'he liulanee of ‘Tnqnirer’s” rar1 ings imlieui >s that ho is fumiliur wilh. the “eheap dive ’that hus driven him o ravīng ubout mur1 d r and eheap mi!k, aud our ‘ advioo to “ Inquirer” is that he i , * 1 get his he; d shaved before he geta worse. > j