Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 123, 26 Mei 1894 — The Family Compact. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

The Family Compact.

The I>«?pufy R-gistrar’s o.liee whieh bas b *en vacant since tbe d«*j)arture <.f Maleohn Brown. orer a year ago h%s had rery little to do, and as a matter of economy th« snj»erflaoas ofliee w.is practic» lv abolished. Now. huwever Ee >nomy tuke» on an air r.f afterlhonght for beliold, an Unele, ol the showman-«]ip-iomat has srrived and mus: be provi«I«d f« r Wb ere nr<w is the t;« ent iu tUe Leigoes and Clnbs T sey »«re askiug wby they get ti.e e id niioa!dv r aeil str;.ng*-p* pref* rr* «1; b<it ;r ail ea-.es the leagues siiuuld knuv that the family must !hj pro'ided foi fir?.t.