Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 123, 26 May 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 [ADVERTISEMENT]
CALIFORNIA Wine Company 407 FORT STRF.ET, Melneruy Rlook. JOBBERS OF AVINES, aml SPIRITS Capt. Wm. Davies. \/NTER-ISLAND PlL0T OK Any Port or ho Hawaiian Tslauds. loqairV» at ofTice of J, W.UKi i; ,rer liauk. feb U-«f. F. GERTZ, iias 1:1: OPKNKO niBoot &, Shoe Store, Opp s ; t- the CIch SUb!e on Fort Suvt*t. and will be g! u. to see bis okl fru mls. may7-tf. LEWiS i C0.. and R3tall Gro ANP PB0V18I0N DEALERS. FR£SR CALIFORNIA 8ALM0N 0? CE By Erery gan FmncLsco Steam«r. Salt Salmos ix Bakrels a Spf,cialtt. iii Fort Sl. % /īonoiulu. Tcl. o, P O. Dox 207. CHAS. C1R0LER, Importer auel CommisK >n Merchnnt SPEtTALTIfcS; J. A P. Coats’ Maei.iae TbreaH Jonas'Brooks Maehine TLre».l BKrbour*s L»ncn Tfcre»d Pears’ S.>*p P. O. Box 35S. Mu • nal^T t lephoa. '36 13 Euhnmun StKeS. Empire Saloo;i, South-£ast Corner Nuuanu and Hoie/ StreetS. ehoiee ’A'inea, Liquors 5; Cio: s A Sp’end:<l As;ortmenl o f H > r 0t VT ED 3 Port Sherry, 23 YearS o!d n;v5 3m E. N. RBQUE. M AD3g r W. S. LUCE Wine and Soir t Alercliant ('imphell Fin-proof Block, MERCHANTST.. HO^OLULU.