Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 123, 26 May 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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Anlieuser-IJusch Bi*ewing Go. Vin the l 3 riz:e atthe World’s l"air vit}x their JKAGJLK JBrand 13eer. Sx. Locis. Oct 23,1893. Messrs. Macfarlase & Co., L’d, Honolnlu, H. I. Dear S : r*: —Wo lmve mi’leil yon a copy f.f tf,e ōl)he-Democrat annonnein" t*io "re t vict»ry w»nbv t i Axhf.caeb-Bdsh AS30C!ation with their ‘ EAOLE’’ Braud of Beer. [Signed] ANHLUSER-BCSH BEWING A8SOCIATIO\ ■ — i 1 l i.<r 'K. X (v £ -“vV, ! f<n V - - , I r—. V r». u r / a: * H P3 & swSs!2 jJRI5 ordering fjis Doer besuretoaak for the“£AGLE” Brand. (V-v., \f-r ij —•>..a,— Hauoaunn I<!ands. OHmVA Y & POIiTER r Robin9on BIock, Hoiel Sf., helween Fort and Nmianu, Have Just Itece.v«d, jtr I aie Ani\a3s, tle I aif;est Stcck of FUR NIIUEE Evor Imported to t!iis Conntry, Comprisiug HandsomQ Carved Bedroom Sats In Solicl Oiili, and of thc LA TESTDESIGNS. ESPECIAL ATTENT10N IS CALLED T0 THES£ SETS; WĪCKER WARB, Beant ful Des gns of Wiek r Ware, coasist : ng of SOFAS, CHA1RS, ROCKERS, etc., you ean get these in .\ny FINI3H you desire. CHAIRS, CouDtless numbers of CHAIRS. in even’ stvle, iac!uding OFFICE aud H1GH CUAIRS. tables, Wo bave had a number of calls for these Tables, \vith CHAIRS to matoh. We have now in stock the most | BEAUTIFUL DINING R30M FURNITURE EYER SEEN HERE. Sideboards and -:- Chiffonier s KrDIVAKTS.X! i D vans coveml with PORTIERS are becoming qniie the rage in plaee of LOUNO£S—we manufacturo them to order, and have a laige stock of PORTIERS to sehct from. BEDDIITG- .. . | Gre.it AssortmentofWOVE\* WIRE MATTRESSES —Spring,Hair, Mt>ss, W«>ol »nd Straw Mattresses ou hand and ra,ide to order. L1YE GEESE F£ATHERS *nd S1LK FLOSS for Pil!ows. CRIBS, CllADLES. etc. WlXDOW SHAD£S of all co!ors and slz-s. C0RXICE POLES, in wood or bnss trimmings. E B :F>.A.113 1 O-. Mattresses, Loonges ani aīl Upholstered Furniture repaired at reasonable n tcs. CABINET MAKING. in ail its branchos. by C>mpeaent Workroen MATTING LAID and Int.rior Decor.*tiug under the Soi\enrisioa of >Mr. OEORGE ORl>WAY. Our Goods are F rst CLss. acd «or prices are tlie lowest Come and be c >nvinctxl—a trial is s lic'ted. Bell 625. telephoxes; Mutoai 645. ORDWAY k POETER. Eohinaou Glock, botween Fort aod Naoaau ,' - f "