Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 123, 26 May 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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WM. DAVIES, Stevedoix* AVD AVrecker. F>TIJIATES \>D COXTBACT8 OX Al.L KIXD8 OF WOBK. Th«* Schoooner MAIIIMAHI. wili ran n.-gaJarir betw<«n th« port «nd U’Malaa. KAwaihapai. Mok'.u-ia, Ke«vet.ui ■Dd Koiki on the i»l»nd of Oabn For Fmgbt, etc , »j>plv to tbe C«pUin. Inquire at Offic» of J. S. \V*lker, o»>r Spreckel8’ Bank, or WrigLt Broe rort Street. dee 1&.M Long Branch BATHING Establishment. Tbi- FirKt-clatw; Bathing Resort bat* l>een enlarge«l and is now 0|>en to tbe public. It is the best plaee on the islands to enjoy a bath and there is no better plaee to lay off. Special aeeommodations for Ladios. TramcarH pass the door evoiy balf bouraud on Saturd.»ys and Sundays every fifteen minutes. 0. J. SHERWOOD Proprietor. I)AI NIPPON Hotel street (Arlington Block.) The ahove Ktore h»s receivoii auotber S|il«.‘U<lid luvwice of Japanese Silk, / / FaNCY jaOODS, Pcr S. S. “China.” —ooxraisiM; — BEAUT1FUL SILK AND CRAPE, I>rvs» Ooodn in oll shade, plaio aud tigun<d. ('nahiona, Tahle Oovera, Bed Coveni, Oown», ehamiaoa, Sbawls. Silk fi*ape Kainhow Silks, All Cotors Faucv Drapcrie«, EHBBO!DERED HA»DKEBCHIEFS. Doilli««, S.arfa, Kaahea. Jackets, Cmj«, Etc.. Etc. NOVELTIES: The Pneoi of these 0«»ls will m>t >ni>ih yon inc2adi&g ELECaNT SiLK KIM0N08! Handv>tnv Cigarefte Caec«, l*iu Cashiou«, Sdk T«a Ooaaiea, UKiiK AXD SXALL AU’lKEMK RlAiS Si!k UuihmlUa. hgbt bat strv>ng; Oiair Sa.idles, Sllk; Bauil<oo Kliu.i*. titted with paUcr»; Sulk Lamp Sh«dwv, ut » stvie. JAPAXBSR »CRCSNti. ri»« $3 l>. LIKIIE JAPAX£SA l SRRELLAX E-k C»n be Set wiih Poie in tbe groand, niiwlor lVn;o» or Lauohe» oot ot door», th« r oaa be opeued oot or ueed a» a tent. COTTON CRAPES IN GREAT VARIETY InnpeeUon R«nwctfaUr Inritcd. MRS. J. P. P. COLLACO, Propnetre»s. Apri:-Sms C. T. AKANA īailūi* • 324 N’uuanu Street - -AT1 Suits Guaranteed To Fit and in ihe Lat >at 8tyle. Oloikee Cleaned »nd Rep»ired. nol7.