Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 123, 26 May 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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I WM. DAVIES, Stevedore vxp recker. E>TIXATES AXD CONTEACTS ON ALL KINIW OF WOEK. Tbe Sc'.oooner MAHIMAHI, «ill ran reicaUrtr between thu port »ni ( Waiiuu, K«a uL;j})k;, Mokahu, Kn»ra-i sc 1 Knīki ua tn- isUad of Onhu For etc, applj to tne Capiain. Inqaire at Offie' of J. S. Waiker. ov-r Spreckols' Bauk. or Wright Bro? Fort Slreet. <W |6-ff Long- 1 Brancii BATHING Establishment. TLis First-class Bathing Kesort his been enlarged and is now open to the public. It is the best p'aee on the islands to enjov a bath and there is no better plaee to lay od. S}>ecial aeeomm(xlations for Ladies. Traracars pass the door every half hourand on Saturdays and Snndays every ; fifteen minutes. 0. J. SHERWOOD Proprietor

J • : DAISIPPOB ; Hotel street (Arliagton Block.) * i Tlie uUive Store luis rect>ired anolLei £ Spleudiii lnvoice ot ’ Japanese Sil.k, * * / J ■pANCY pOODS Per S. S. “China.” —COMFRISI>'0—• 1 BEAUT1FUL SILK AND CRAPE, Bress Ooods in all shade, plaiu and fignred OnaliionK, Table Covers, Bed Covers, Gowns, * ) Cheiaises, Shawls. ' | Silk Cnipe Kainhow Silks, AU Oolors Fancy DraperieH, EBB80IDEBED HANDKERCH1EFS DoilUes, Scarfs, Sashes, 1 Jackets, Capa, Etc., Etc. 'I XOVELTIES; The Pricesof these Gixxis will astouish vou includiag ELEOaNI SiLK KiM0N0S! Handaoiue Cigarette Cases, Pin Cushions, bilk Tea Cossies, LlKliE 1>D JlPiSE.SE KIGS Si!k CmbreUas, hght bat strot>g; Chair Seddies, Silk; H'uuooo Blinds, fiued with palleri>; Siik Lanip Sbades, new stv!e. JAPA *B»E StH».t;>S I iom $3 Cp. LiKUE JlPOESE l’aBKELLl.S Can be Set with P de la the groand, nke tor Picuics or Lanehea oot uf doon, thej eaa be openeā out or 39ed aa a teaU Ct>TTON CRAPES IX GRKAT VAR:KTY iyinspevdon Respectfally Iavited. MES. J. P. P. eOLLAOO, Proprietress. Apri2-3tna C.T. AKANA ft]ePG5&iit īailoi" 324 Nuuaea Street A.H Suits Guaranteed To Fit <nd ?n th«.Latest Sfyle. CIotbes Cieaned and Repairod. no!7