Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 122, 25 May 1894 — Sunk by Collision. [ARTICLE]

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Sunk by Collision.

The steamer Mikahala while en route from Kauai to this port eame mto collision with the schoonerMary Fosterat miduight on the evening of the 22nd inst., last Monday. aud sunk her. The schooner had 1100 bags of sugar belouging to the Makaweli plautation on board all of wliieh : was lost; the Captain and crew wero saved. Tbe Mikahala is I uninjured. The second officer | of the steamer was eu watch at : tbe tiue of tbe collision. The matter is being investigate<i in , endeavor to plaee the hlame { where it beiongs. — —