Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 122, 25 May 1894 — A Suggestion. [ARTICLE]
A Suggestion.
A short whiie ago Mr. J. T. Waterhouse Sr., appeared enthusiastic and wanted a cab!e roul j through Nuuanu stroet to the Puli, With his usnal, aUhoagh not always practical, generositv he I offered to donate $10,000 to any pariv orparties who would undertake tbe enterprise/)urconterajx>r aries at first rather ridiculed tbe idea, although they piiiised Mr. Waterhouse for liis willingness to help uscherae alongthat would ■ open up considerable lands suitable for small farms aud residences anel wonhl add a gre.t attiaction to people visit:ng our fair country. Tho road if ever constructed will undoubtedly lie an expensive attairs frora the start aml Mr. Waterhouse’s gonorous propositiou wou!d hardly, be mneh of indnceraout to any- ! body to start tho \vork, Fortunately tho patriot : sra and gene- i rosity of tho gentleman from Van ' Diemen’s land ean find full ' scope. A company is willing aml ready today to undertake the building of a cable road, to start ■ it immedi.itely and to disponse with Mr. J. T. Waterhouse’s ] proffered $10,000. The eahle | road ean be fiuished according to the plans made m less than a 1 year, and it wou’t cost Mr. Waterhouse ouo cent if it proves a pay- j ; ing enterpriso as ho, nf course ) : considers it to bo. All tbe eom- : panv asks is tha>. our esteemed fellow-citizen forraerly of great I Britain and lately of Amorica and Hawaii guarantees five (ō) per cent. interest on the capital to bo invested until the cable road to ; the Pali j>roves itself se!f sup- j porting and profitable. If Mr. Waterhouse now will get into ; another fit o£ enthusiasra aud | agree to tliis proposition the work will be doue and our benevolent | citizen will yet be able to see tiio ] i Pali from a cable-car. If lie ! really moans \?hat he occasion ' ally says in the ne\vsjiapers whieh \ve frequently doubt, he will not stop at triples but carry out his i pet scheme. His bond is as good as his word. altbongh the former ; will bo preferred by the enter- ! prisiug syndicate —merely of j conrse as a matter of businoss. Let us hear from patnot Waterj house'