Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 122, 25 Mei 1894 — A Dog in the Manger. [ARTICLE]
A Dog in the Manger.
JaU nu> Cv' ft joar nrigh baur‘s contracts. Tbe minister of finaoce isbeing severilv ce’ sured by the semiofticial organette, becaase he has acted as an honest man and re-fn-ed to rub tlie tax-payers by giving a contract for printing to the semi- official organ at a fignre maeh advanced over the amonnt a>ked by this paper. It is hanlly worth the while taking notice of , the nnheeile o’oullilion of the leer(iser, but we shou'.d like to , ask the moning sheet a few qnestions relating to the m itter. Whv are bids e illed for by gov- i nts. if it is not for the pnr- ' p.i»-. througu e ».u >ehtion, to se i iii- • the iu')>t adv.tiitageoU8 price? lf o;ilv tl»e rtis, r shou!d be grai»t‘ d goveminent contraots, why did th it paper repoatedly advoc«te «ud insist iu pulilie competitiou Sor all public woiksi Is the iuouey to bo paid for the i work to be done by the Holomua the private proj>erty of Mr. Damon or of the ji. g-; or does it belong to the tax-payers at largo | of whom this paj.ier certainly j represents the greatest portion both as to number as well as to tho amount of taxes paid? The A J>:ertisfr forgets how indignant 1 it was because under former | regimes the Bulletin received i j cousiderab!e of the governmeut patronage. The Advertiser elam- ; ored tirne after time for pnblic competition. and it nsed to, : send iu its bids at so low a figuro that there was 110 hesitation araong the oflScials in giving it the contracts. And the Adverti*fr at that time preaohod, and advoc.ited oj>en treason and rebel- ; iion against the logitimate governraent, while it iu the raost anscrunulons manuer attacked
ttll, aml cverybody connectecl j witli the administration. The blac-gmird sheet has done more than unything else to create a falso, and damagiug impressiou abroad of Hawaii and the Hawaiians. The acciisations, insinua- | tions, and inuueudoes, published ] in that unprincipled journal against all aud every Hawaiian, | mun, women, and children did gain for itself the contempt of everv free-thinking man to whom there \vere higher ideas, tban thoso evtolled by Ihe purseworshipping, hypocritical gang who fiuancially aml otherwise support the 4dt'frfisci' editor, and his ilk.He wasnotprosecnted;
■ oh. no’ The liberty of the press ■ was respected when the barba)'i(in government was at tbe hoad of affairs. He was uot boycotted by tlie King’s or Queen s nninsters; oh, noi • he had his full share of all tho government work : nd he was pleased enough t > i collect the money due for it N w when Mr. Dumon shows his conseient;ousness b\ accepting ; the lowest bid for a pnblic eon- j tract he is abused aad insulted bv the very sheet, whieh demanded such policy a shoit while ago. This paper does not care a fig f'*r the work as give i to it by the minister. Tho bid was sent iu to see, if ] every meraber of the government would jict insuch an unscrupulous and contomptible manner, as did Chief Just!ce Judd when he, a few waeks ago gave ont government work at a higher piiee than that offered, and thereby virtiully
Je(raudeJ tfae treasnry, the tai‘ payers, and the Jcouutry. Mr. Damou is built of a dd!erent material,and conseqnently, the hnaneial statements of ihe goverument appears in another eolumn of the HoLO*rA. We will t finally state. that we are pleased ; to be theobject of the Advertiser s personal abuses. li\e may be a j “polilieal dodger"—that is more j than tfae *‘Boiler Plater’* is. We may have *‘no standing”—in the Central Uoion Chorch. bni we &re nevertheless quoted and eited all over the worid. We may have
| no sabscription list, but we issue, | as a fact. more papers from onr i office. aud decided!y more read papers than dc«e? the mcrniug { organ. The petty spite. the eon' temptible smallness. the stapen dous idiocy. and the coveionsness of the ignoramous, who runs the semi-official organ. is getting so conspicuou3,tbat it is to be hoped tbat he shortly will “strip and get on board of his *‘fmit island. There, he may follow his present theories, and perhaf>s get *'on bis nuL At present he i* distinctly off it!