Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 122, 25 May 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]
HrKF.tr Gotvit v\. u. Board ok Ukalth. S;»lary of I“r> siiWnt 8eoretary Genen»l Exj»ense8 Pre*p»gation llu*>ne V'irns llaiūling ,etc of Uospiu»ls Debt l.ist Perio«l. Maiulenauee Quarautiue Sution rvbt l.ast Perio<l Segregatiou . .f Lepers Kxpet>seK of Dumien Monnaieul Supj., rt of nou-leper chil.lreu . . , i Debt li»6t penoil [ <»oTenimeiit Physiciaus Kxj>enses nn(ler Mct to mitig.»te . .Ueilieiiie» Free sy*tem rvraoviug Cl >rba.ye... Misceli.aneous. //oHolnlu Firc Dej).»rtment Debt last peri.xl //>>se, Cart, etc , Engiue No. !. . *X«. 2 S:»lary, Fire .Vi»rshal l!epairs Insaue .1 sylnui.... Debt last peri.xi Kepain, etc, to Electrict Lights .Vurket« Nnbsi.ly .N, S. from //ouolnln to .Voloki.i Jid to A'apiolani Park A ssociation.... Pi»radise of the l’aeihe Pnhlie Gronnds /<ighring slreets other thau //onolnln. . Pnnting ’. (opying F a 'le.l llcoor>ls f orests and Nurseries Ke Co.lifviug and Pnntiog PenalCode. C»nards .Ilnolani and A'apuaiwa I!tdg s I!oyal .Vausoieuiu Expenses of Eleolion Dob. last jjeriod Expense« sj>ecial election l\frj Ai-.l to t/neens Hospital Aid to Kapiolani Maternity Uome .... Exj>ense of FilingCertitic.tte»of Uonndarie« Iocidsntal. under Uomestead Act Debt last j>eriod . Quarautiue l)lseased Animal» Pay of Veterinary 8urgcon G ivernment Pounds l'iam nd Head Sign:»l Statnm Ken; Cuvtom H<>useL«)t Kahnlui Debl last period Bent Post Olflo< Hilo Aid Hilo Fir» Departmeut Aid to encotirage transmissiou messages Rej>air to Palaee F mitore 1 o pay claims Japaue-e laburers •7!aim Irexw H. Brown.. •Lul at Koh.il/» “ Uaiuakua 12.000 l,.V»l 4|9 2.000 1,727 50 272 50 ~ - Section 2. Intekior Depabtmext. New Wharf au l Sea Wall //onolnln... Voloano EumI //onolii Bndge Boa<U and Bn>lges X.>rth //ik». Xortii K»hah» Ne * Ro «d Kau Ueiweea XTh * STh Koual* Road» and Bn.!ges North Kona South Kona Purchase P. l,ees Voicanu K.»o) K>a<ls acd Bntlgcs //un»>tnlu.... MacaJaminug Jk Poing Sts. //ooulnlu Noaann Pali Hood Boa»Ls and Bridges Kt»iaapoko Ew » ond M'aianae.. Britige »“ Wailaa Kauoi 63.000 60.000 17,424 65 10,000 5.000 I0.<»JU 1.022 29 3.000 3.000 6.000 20.1)00 I2.0»>4 7« 37,000 3,500 2.600 I5jOUO S 266.611 70 <i Misclllaxeocs. 8.563 90 47.854 47 17,424 05 I» 4 8 1.167 20 6,557 JM 1,022 30 1,*"»: M l,55| 3i> 4, .>»> 20.000 12.004 7« 1.082 73 1,770 661 »,597 37 54.456 10 12,145 53 9.860 52 3,832 80 3.442 06 1,303 02 1,448 30 1,500 3.5.917 27 2.130 1.939 5.402 63 IV». 155 27 8 133.456 »3 D*m and Buihbng Bexerruu Uakiki //»io Water VV..rks VVaihiku W'afer Works. t urchaae of Ka!awa»at Lep»r Sattieii,T Ad>iitmu b> Inaane Asyltini New Kouwa» Wsrehoase Dredjnng //ooolaiu //orbor Bsr ... ** 44 4% Road Domage« Pnrch »ae Eleeme Light PUut at palaee Snpp)rt Ac. ol Pruoucr» oi Prut.ii Luuoa ou V'oic*no K> a 1 13,880 3,30i> 1.5.000 5.000 566 50 6.000 110.000 3.5.000 30.000 6.000 20.000 6,270 i 251.216 50 9,125 22 517 44 4 85 844 40 566 50 475 40 94,901 •»; 17,700 68 9.080 54 3.916 93 12,794 27 4,611) 40 4.754 78 2,982 56 UU85 15 4,155 60 5524 60 15.098 04 17,299 32 20,91» 46 2.083 07 >,20»> 73 1,6.59 60 »154.538 59 » 96t«»77 91 PiEiAPneunōN. 8ectk>a 1. eut Setthaueut» aud l*rirv Coat -R-sau «1 Cutuo>.