Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 122, 25 Mei 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

CALIFORNIA Wine Company 407 FOKT 8TREET, Mclaerny l»lock. IJOBBEHS jOF | WHSTKS, anel SPIRITS Capt. Wm. Davies. lNTER-iSLAND P!L0T roH * ;Any Port or l«imlinur in tlu* Ilawaiian !>Iaiu1s. 1nqnirt‘ at o®oe of J. S. Walkkk orer Sinvckei'.-> Ba.nk. U b U-tf. P. GERTZ, 11 A.S KE OPEN'EI) HIS Boot & Shoe Store, Oppoaite the CInb Stable on Fort Str< et. and will 1>s glad to sce hia ohl fnends. may7-tf. LEW!S & C0.. W ho!esale and Retail 'Gro PKOVISION DEALERS. FRESR CAUF0RNL\ 8ALM0N ONICE By Every 8an Fraacwco SteAmer. Salt Salmox ix Babkkls A SrECIALTY. 11 / F<yrt Sl. , Honolulu. Tel. 240, p . O. Box 2gj. CHAS. CIR0LER, Irnporter aud Commission Merchant 8PECIALTILS: i. k P. ( Maehine Thpea1 Mu<-!uuv Thr«».l Bar<xmr'. Lioen TLrw»<l Penr«’ So»p -- P. O. Bot 353. Ma i u ueiephone 33« 13 Kaahnniann Strvet. Empire Saloon, South-East C0RHER Nuu3n'j and Hoiel StreetS. Ghoi:3 7<mes, Liquors < Gigars A Sp’endid As3ortment of f\MlLY WlfUS Port $ Sherry, 23 YearS o!d. E. N. REQUE. myō 3co Manager W. S. LUCE AVine and Snirit Alerchant Campb«ū Fire-proof Block, *MEKCHANTST.. HONOLULU,