Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 122, 25 Mei 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]
I 11. LOSK, N'otarv lAihlie. Collec(or and General Bu.finess Agent. Paienlee of L<>se’s Chemical CoMPorxn for Clarijy{»g Cane Juice. Suh-Agcnt for scveraī of the Best FIRE IXSUBAXCE COS. Mataal Tefepbone 5. P. O. Box .v5S. Merrbant street. Ilonolaln. Clty^lVleat Market Oppo. Qm en E’ami Hull, Establisbetl 1S83. J0S. T!NKER, FAM'LY Bll JC E Maker of the Ceīehrated Cambridge Pork Sausage ! Try Them. j Meut Delivered to Any Part of tbe City und Sul)urbs. Mutnal Telephone Numbor 289. The “ Eagle House” The Lease and the Good Will of‘ this Favorite Family Hotel. THERE ARE FOUB DETACHED Cottages annextd to ihe Hotel suitab!p forprivate families. The main bnildir,g contains 20 Bed Rooms large Dining Roora. Parlor, etc. The furnit ire is all elegant and in good condition. The Groun.!s are beautifully Iaid j out in Trees, Flo\veis, Ferns. and other Piants. This busiuess ean be brought al a bargiin on easy terms as to pay* ment. App!y to T. E- KROUSE, Arhngton HoteI olliee. may 9-lf ; ! dEMEHT (?raqite Curbing Laii Estimates giveu on all kindof SfcQne, Woi^ CoXCKETE A SpECIALTT.‘ JNO. F. BOWLER. janl7 3m Est.»biishevl 1863 Pioneer Steam Candy FACTOilY BACKERT ai ICE CREAIPARL0RS F. HORN, Proprietor. H 'edd i and Bi rt hda y Cakes to Order. Fancy Bread and Guava Jelly. Factory and Store. - No. 71 Kiag StreeL Botb Telephones 74 i ap2B