Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 122, 25 May 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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Husiness Cards MACFARLANE <fe CO. Dealers in \Vine$ and Spirit8 Kaahnmana S!pe*t, Honolnla. H. F. BERTELMA.NN. CONTRACTOR AND EUILOEK, 8G King St., Rell Telephone 107. F. H. RF.DWARD. CONT1U«TOH and HUH r 'ER, So, 0O6 Kiug Street, Honolulu. Hawaiiau Ishtnds. HARR1S0N RROS., I iT OONTRACTOItS ANI) HUILPKI». 208 Fort St., Honolulu. M. H, LOHEIDE, SI N AXD ORNAMENXAI. PA1NTER. [Hawaiian Hardware Co.] All orders promj>tly attended to. PACiFlC 8AL00N. Comer Kīng an<l Nauanu Streets. EDW, WOLTKU.... Manager. The Fīnest st kotioa of 1 IQUOKS and r>EF.R, sold anywhere iu the town. Kirst-o!ass atteudenoe. Call and jndge for youis<-lf. no 80*tf. Bell Teie[.hone 381. P. O. Box 32 W. W. WR1GHT <fe SON, Carriaye and ]Vagon Bnilders 1N ALL ITS BRANCHES. 79 a:id 80 King Slreet,. Honoluln, H. I. Elias Kaululaau Wright PEXTIST.^s Comer of King and lVthel SU., rj>stairs, Enlnuiee on Kiug Street. Office HorRs—From 9 a.m, to 12 m., 1 to 4 i'.m. Sundays ojcept<vl. J. PHILL1PS. PRACTICAL PLCMBER, OAS.FITTER COPPER-SMITH, Honse and Sbip Job Work Proroj)tly Exeeuted. No. 71 King Street. Houolula. “ FAT BOY.” BAY 8AL00N ! P. M<INERNY, Fropkjetor, Fine Liquors. Wines ami Beer. Corvrh IU-rnn. anp Sts. H. E. McINTYRE & BRO., Grocsrt, Feed Store & Bakekt, Corner of King aud Fort Sts., Honolnln I£mr>ire Saloon, JA31ES OLl>S, h'num Fing Wme& Liquoi , g f Beer, ALWA\S ON HANP. C<umer Nauaan and Hotel Streets lteil,Telephonc 241. Pcwt Offlce Box 107 W.W. WRIGHT&S0N & C;iniise lUl'aioūHoilileK o o In All 1ts BbANCHE8. Horseshoeing A SPECLALTY. 97 and 80 Kiag S1 1 Honoiolo