Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 122, 25 May 1894 — Page 5 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]
]=]. E, 8( Bf^o 'IMPORTEKS AND DEALERS IN Grroceries, Provisions AXD Feed, EAST CORN ER I NG,STS. New 6oods Rec'd By eveiy Packet from the Fjistern States and Earope. Fresb Califoruia Protluce bv every stearuer. All onlers faitbfullv attendeil ti\ an«l G«> -<ls «lelivered to auv part of the city FREE OF CHARGE. lslancl Or lers S',>liciteci. Sat!sf»ction Gaamnteecl. Post Office Box N *. 14n, ’lelephone No. 9*i.
WM. DAVIES, I\i2T2;ei% Stevedore asd Wrecker. ESTIMATES AND CONTRACTS ON* ALL KIN'DS oF \VoRK. The Schoooner MAĪIIMAHI, I will rna reguUr!y betweea this purt and Wainla». Kuwitihapsti. Moknleia. Keawenui and Kuiki on the islnnd of ll.ihu. For Freight, etc , appty to the e'apLiin. : Inq«ire at Offic * of J. S.; \Valker, owr Spreckels’ Bauk,l or Wright Bros Fort Street. Long Branch |bathing Establishment. This First-class Bathmg Kesort! has been enlarged and is now, ; open to the puhlie. It is the j i best plaee on the islands to eujoy ! a bath and there is no better' | plaee to lay otf. Special aeeommodations for Ladies. Traracars : pass the door everv half bourand | on Saturdays aud Sundays every j fifteen minutes. 1 0. J. SHERWOOD Proprietor. Kerosene ON. THE aloha; High Gr>de Oil. Price M‘<ierate, at T. H. DAUIES & Co. mvl6 Im H. MAY & Co., Tea Dealers, Coffee | Roasters ’ AND Provision Merchants ( )98 Fort Street, - Honoluln Families, Plantations and Ships snpplied with choicest Euwpean <t A mtrican Grocerie* California Prodnce by Every Ste"uner. ! Meet at Aron Hall ererv TUESDAY aud FR1DAY EYl-> NINGS, at 7 O’eloek. Also, on every Satcrday Aftehjioon at 2 0'eleek. Toition, 25 centa t>r eaeh ]>»- son, and satisfaction guaranteed or no charges made. may S—tf