Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 122, 25 Mei 1894 — Page 5 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]
I>AI NlPl’ON Hotel street ■ Arilngton Block.) j Tb* kborre Sww ha» reoeivevl mi>other apieaāiii Iav»ice o( VAPAN’ESE Silk. Faxcy Goods, Per S. S. “China.” —cr)MrB.r.?Lvc— BEAUTIFUL SILK DAN CRAPE, Dres« Gc*vis in ail shade, plain and figt»red. i CnsLk»ns, TaHe Covers, Bed Covers, Go-ara«, Chemīses, Sh*’» , Ls. M Cmpe Hainhow Silks, AU Colors Fancv Draperies, E9IBR0IDERED HASDSERCHEFS, Doillies, Scarfs, Sashes, Jackets, Cuj«, Etc., Etc. NOVELTIES: The I’ricesof these Goods will astonish yon including ELEOaNĪ 8ILK KI.VIŪNOSI Handsoiue Cigarelte Cases, Pin Cnshions, Silk Te.i Cossies, LlH(.E 1S1» SH»LL J .I*l\LSE RU«S Silk Uml>relias, līght bat strong; Chair Sa(i(Ues, Silk; liauihoo Blinds, titred witb pulleys; Silk Lamp Shades, new styie. J.\P.lXSCKLI'VS, From |3 l’p, L K(.F J l*.SESh UnHHELLlS r Can be Set wuh Poie in the ground, niee tor Picuics or Lnnches oui of doors, they eau be opeued out or used as a teut. CUTTON CRAPKS 1N GREAT VARiETY Resi>octfuIly Iuvited. MRS. J. P. P. OOLLAOO, Proprietress. Aprl2-3tii8 C. T. AKANA īailoe 1 324 Nuuanu Street .A.11 Suits Cxuaranteecl To Fit and in tho Latest Style. : Clothes CleaueJ aud Repaired. no!7 Fai’c\vell - Week! • 0AILEY’S. Stock Company This Week's RepertOire: THURSDAY NIGHT, PLANTER’S WIPĒ I t FRIDAY XIGHT, | Pnssing Bequut Monte Cristo . - .. . , Secure Seats Early for Our Closing Performances at L. J. LEVEr'S Rooms, Comer of Fort and Queen Streets. Prices 50c., 75c. and $1, for sale at L. J. Levoy’s rooms, corner Fort and Queen sts. Ma\’7-1w