Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 122, 25 May 1894 — Hawaiian Hardware Company [ARTICLE]
Hawaiian Hardware Company
The Advertiser who eaiehe*» « pers-»u> eye ustu»lly wins » castomer. Msny ilirtorent >tylos of advertising have l»een adoptetl nml wiih moro or less saccess. by ihe belierers in the n>e of printers iuk. Tbe niantjf30turers of Poars for ir.>t.inv-e. occasion allv bnv paintings that haro been on exhibition in the Pari's Salon and have lithographs m.ulo from them for the pnrposo of briaging tbeir pri>l'ict beforo the people. In a«l<litioa to snch side issnes. Pearspen(ls hnn«lre<l> thousan«ls of dollais annaally among the newspapers an«l maga/ine>. Some year» ago the .»> of certain article on ssilo in New York m»de a hit in adverti>ing by having on Broadw«y dnring business hours two fatlnes.dy drcss«> 1 Negroos weariug very !iighcol’ ir> .on the b.»cks of whieh w.is printed “Use S<niths Pi!l>. l’Iie ide.i was novel and the pnhlie canght on. Rising Sun St«n.< Polish haa beou kept b<-foro tlie puhlie f«»r years throngh persi>tent. and soiuetimes expensive advortising. Tweuty od 1 year> ago the manufacturers uf this polish started half a dozeu meu acrosstho omimonl to paiut >;gns on rocks an<l feucos. The Aermotor Co., of Chicago havo increased its sales m«>ro than tlve hundred per cent in two years bv the use of printors ink. We i behove we have been instrnniental in increasing tho sales of the Aemotor by keepiugevorla.stingly i at it in Hawaii. We tlo not wish to say that ad- . vertisiug will soll auy manufacj I tnred article; there is no n>e N " i spending money in advertising ! ‘‘eheap and nasty" goo«.ls becauso the |>eople will not bo hoo«lwinked. If Haviland China was not the superior article |it is. all our advertising of it wonhl uot have sold the thousands of ’pieces that we have. We siraply eall the attention of the |>eople t<> it and its sn|>erior qnality is ;ipparent to tho cnstomer directly a pieee of it is exarained. Printers ink has helpe»! tho sale of tho Jamos Locke«l Fence bnt i it would not havo donos so if it hn«l boen as Himsy as the or dinay wiro fence. First; the economy thero is in building it recommen«l> it to the plantation manager an«l theu its dural»ility clinches the the sale If the stays aud wash- ; ers cost as mueh as an ordiuary redwood post onr sales of tbe material woaiil not havc reached ; sncb enormons proportions. Our average sale of tho Pansy Iron Stove is aboot two a day tho Iyear round. If was uot the best iron stove on the ruarket we wonhl not sell that many m six i months. Advertising is tbe tip the pnhlie tho gooil points in tbearticie seils it jnst »s tbo goo»l qnalities of the Fischer Steel ilange make it a d«>sirable article f«»r peopie who wish toecuaomise ( in the use of fuel. IV e bny only what h;vs proven goo«l after people in Ihe l’nileil States or Europe have giveu it u trial; we profit by their exporiuca if the articles are goood we bny and sell tbem; if tbey are poor we »teer clear of them. When we a*lvertise an article it is to attract attentiou io it; the newspaper ; s tbe bntton we posh, the salesman does tbe rest. Persistent advertising coupled with tbe art ele being a saporior | one has so!d tboosan«U of iho 1 Frank Walcot Emory File. If it bad been no better than an ordmary scythe stouo we probabiy wonid not have sold twenty. When a man fiods out that his table knives may be kept sh.»rp at all times at aa expanso of fifty eeuU and a very liulo elbow grease be is «|uite williag to try khe exper>mout. TDe 3drtwifi Co. 307 Fort btxeet