Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 121, 24 May 1894 — Queen Victoria’s Birthday [ARTICLE]

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Queen Victoria’s Birthday

To-day is the seventy-fifth anniversary of the birtb of Victoria, Qneen of Great Britain and Ireland, and Empress of India. In all Brit sh couutries tlie day is observed as a national ho!iday, and in foreign lands the sabjects i of the great Erapire gather in group» to give bent to tbeir patnotic sentiments. While the Briton nnder alien skies wiil drink to the land he lives m, and loyally aot his part in resjic'cting the r ghts of thoso with whom he may have cast iu Lis Iot and found hosnitality; be will on tbis one d>*y iu tbe year, a’low liis thouglits to wander i b. 'k to the white clitfs of St. George’s U’hannel and give reiu to his memory in eonjuring up the scenes of early !ife. Visions of history will fill uji a background upon whieh the eyes of hia imagiuationdwells with pride. Frora tiie days of Runnymede wheu the charter of English !iberti»?s received its baj>tisiu, dowu through tlie ages; England has baen largely the vānguard of huin.in liberties in bearing aloft the lieae'iu whieh has directed< The worl»i’s Democracy to a higher aml nobler conception of their rights anel duties. Erratic has beeu the coui - se. and at times it wouhl seom that the cry of tho j>eople had boen tinally drowaod: Bnt frfe<ioiu's bctt!e onee began I)t sce;i is from bi«ediug 3īre to Son Tho’ ofteu lost, is ever won. Q men Victoria lost her father tho Dnke of K*int when eight iuontlis o!d; but her mother who was the fourth daughter of Duke Fr.mcis of Saxe-Coburg-Saalfield. was a woman of the highest type, and devoted herself with the utraost solicitnde to the iraportant duti«s whioh <lesoIved upon her in training the inf »nt priucess. On tbe »leath of Willi.am IV, Juno 20th 1837. Victoria asoended tlio throne with the. eonlial assent of Parliament and i her subjects. The Queen was married at 8t. James Palaee on Feb. 10th IS40, tc»Albert, Prinoeof 8axe-Cobnrg and Gotha. The »leath of her husband, j>remature in 1861, was a oanse for j>rofouud sorrow to the u«tion and caused the the Queeu to seclude herself for some time from j>ublic life. ***«■* Long may V*ctoria live t<> i illustraie to tfae world, tbat a g*>od ruler ean hve aud raoreover | Earoj>e, and never feel the need j of a military guard or sandbag.