Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 121, 24 Mei 1894 — Compulsory Retrenchment. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Compulsory Retrenchment.

i* i' ;tn oj>en secret that the ani v occu’,>yiiig tbe Pulaeebni!<ling is i<eing r<cked by iuiemal squ tbbles. hiuI e* urts-ruartiul :«ra ' - tbe or<ler of th« <l »y. M<*n are Laoled up for n *t salntrugeoiiaiu oificers who aro ia every sei.se tbe inferi<<rs of the m n co^rtm itia!e*l. Hap; ily for the inc<nsed littl<'iiess of ignorHiit aud conc«<ited officerdom, the , army has to be reducod, und thereby the aggreg»teof iusubcrdin ttion inrolv«d in privates and nou commissionod officers for not kee{*ing ono elbow constantly bent in tl.e exercise of salotiug, stands a ehanee of being dimin h ; ishe<l; hee iuso the p. g treasurv’ 1 ean t st ud the strain, and beiug almost <le|»Jet»<d bv extravagance, will itself, 80on follow the ex ample of the }<rivatos by deolining to atTord thecustora »ry honnr i to tlie vouchers of the go!d-laced geutry »>u i>ay day. l)uring tiie |>ast two weeks, it is reported thut over twenty priv,»tes »>f the paid forces h »ve j lioeii paiil »>tl, and twice that number, whoae j>eriod of ouiistnicnt has not expired, would liko i to get tboir liberty; for iu «dditiou to the natural ropulsion | wiiieh nieu !iave to serving under incompetent and exacting olficers, evory re»luction <>f the force increases the lahor of the nieu who reinain. Tlie Holomua . hus repeatedly poiiiie»! ont to the governraeiit , tlie follv of wasting the taxpavers j iuoney on this inilitary force, so ! otterly useloss by reasou of l’eing badly officerod, and for other causos a poor dsfence agaiust a woll diroctod seigo from withont. | No »loubt tho guilty conscienceof tho »>ligarchy was inriaonced by roports fabricated iu tbeir own eamp, an.l whieh led to tho eraploymont of an army of spies 1 and guards who were constautly hatching falso rumorsand roports whieh has kept Marshal Hitcheoek ou a sick bo»l, and sc:iro»l Attorney Genor.il 8mith iuto a ! habit of poking at his increasingly woird aud pn>jecting shadow. lt wns thus scares were iuvented «nd follies eaiuo to the surface whieh woro costly to the taxpavors. Now t!ie other folly is perpetrated of dischargiug the i men and ret;iuing the officers on the ])riuoiple tLat alone of all tliings the oBg »rcliy ’ must be 1 orn nnoutal. lt wouhl of course rond ‘i - the governraeut liable to the sus|iiciou of coiuraitting a rational act for ouee iu itscareer, to h«ve procured tlie services of a professional sol»lier to take commaud of tho foroes, instead j | of se;iding t!ie “Ooin mander-in I chie{ for five weeks to school to study tirst |iriiicij)les. There are several rotired officers of v.»rious 1 nati»ius hcre—sohliers of fortane — wh >se honor and abilitv eoaUl he r>liod .u|>ou to s-rveasj)ro-fessionat soldiers, even an oligarch y, It ought to have occurre<l to aueh astulo mou as the militarv

couocil!ors of the government, tbat eveu if the royalists were tasiucere ia their protestations that they woa)J keep the j*eaee nutil Ihe execative «>f tbe UniteJ I States ui.i le a liual |>rv>nouncemeut on the questiou at issue; anJ l !ioy, the roy.«lists. Jet> nnined seontly to aUaek and nttempt the orerthrow of the P»ovisional order of things; tbey wouU be likely to select one of lbe j numerous weak positioos outside i | tbe caj»ita 1 for their purpose. Now after $200,000 or tbereabouts, bas beeu sj>ent in nseless | soUiering instead of beiug sj>ent on harbor Jretlging auJ otber | prohtable improvoment, tbe sanj- ! bags are removed and the arniy is to be reJuceJ to & peaee footiug bec «ose tha Jiugar, whieh uever esistej, h.ss |>assed aw.«r, auJ tbe “bfst governmeut’' we ever baJ ia aelling bonJs 15 j>er | oeni. below par «ud tbe final |

re><hge and tail en<l of tbe glorj’ <>f tbe oI»garchv isvanishingover the liorizon. To plaee the coantiy • in the gnisp of San Francisco r»awnbrokers ls the last extremity j of the great Provisional Unaneial >lronk before tbe oligarchic lmbb!e get.s dowo to as!ies and ntter desolation, and tbe I. O. U. of the olig»rcby will be the only tangible and en<luring monameni whioh it c.»n bequeath to postority, an<l as the treasarer of the fntnre views the Provisiona! halnnee sheet an»l finds, how ne.itly an«lelaborateIy the troab!e was shonted on to him; Iie will nndoabtedly otfer a prize for the neatest kind of doxology in whieh to embabn the immortal memon’ of Daraou.