Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 121, 24 May 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]
JUST ARRIVED, 3 " 3 BABY ■ C«Sai«GES 0F ALi. STYLES, IN THE LATEST PATTERNS. “HOUSEHOLDi SEWING MACHINES Hand Se\vjnt. 3Iachtxf..s, [ c r “AIl \\ itL the LaU -t Im| rovi iaents PAELOK Orsrans, Gruitars And OtherMnsical InstnimenU. Wines, Liquors, Beer ALWAYS*ON HAND, AND FOR SALE BY ED. HOFFSCHLiEGER & C0. King St.. oppo. Castle k Oooke’a | Anchor-:-Saloon Ex “AUSTKALIA,” Another Invoice of the World Renowned FREDERICXSBURG LAGER BEER On dranght and hy the keg. , AIso, as a Specialty. Small Fresh California 0YSTERS, FOU COCKTAlLS mavl 3mOhas. T. ōuliek NOTARY PUBL1C For th« Is!and of Oaha. j Agent to Take Acknowledgnaents to Labor Contracts. Agent to Grant Marriage Lieen ses, Honolulu, Oaho. Agent for the Haw’n IsUnds ol Pitt <k Freight and Parcels Express. | Agent for the Barlington Koate. M Estats Brater aaiteral Ar°nt m; Mut Tel. 139; P. O. Box 415. j 0FF1CE: No. 38 MEKCHANT Street Hooolola. H. L