Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 121, 24 Mei 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

II. LOSE, iN’otary iPuhlie. Collector and Gt neral Business Agent. Patentee of Losk’s Chemical CoMPor.vo for Clarifying Cane Juice. Sub-Agent for scveral of the Bcst FIRE LYSURAXCE COS. Mntnal l'elephone s. P. 0. Box 33S. Merchant street. Honolnin. City Meat Market Oppo. Qneen Emma Hall," Establisbetl 1883. J0S. T1NKER, fAM IL Y bUjcHe^ Maker of the Celebrated Cambridge Pork Sausage ! Tp.y Tiiem. — Meat Deliverecl to Any Part 'of the City auel Suburbs. Mutual Tolephone Number 289. i The “ Eagle House” POI' S-A.X.E. The Lease and the Good WilL of ihis Favorite Famihj Hoiel. THERE ARE FOUR DETACHED Cottages anneied to the Hotel su:tab!e forprivate families. The main building contnins 20 i Bed Rooms Iarge Dining Koom. ■ Parlor, etc. The furnitnre is all elegant and in good condition. The Grounds are beautifully laid out in Trees, Flowexs, Ferns, and other Plants. This bosiness ean be brought at a bargiin on easy terms as to payment. Apply to T. E* KROUSE. Arlmgton Hotel office. may 9-tf CEMEMT AVD lji f aiiite Laid. Estimates given on all kiutD | of $tonB, CoqcPetB 5 Woi^ C0VCBETE A SrECIALTT. JNO. F. BOWLER janl7 3m Est.ib;i.->hcd 1863 I Pioneer Steam Candy FACTOtlY BiCKEET aii ICE CEEiS PiELOEE F. HORN, Proprietor. Wedding and Birthday Cakes to Order. Fancy Bread and Guava Jelly. Factory and Store, - No. 71 Kiog Streot, Both Teiephones 74 ap28