Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 121, 24 Mei 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

I E. Bf^o IMPORTERS AND DE.VLEKS EN Oroceries, x I 3 i’oA"isions AXD Feed, EAST eOKNEP. FORT A KtNG;STS. Ncw Goods Rcc'd By ever\- Packet frorn the E\'tern State5» and Europe. Fresh California Pn>lnoe by even- steamer. All onlers faithfnllv atten»letl tn, an«l Gonds <lelivere>.l to anv j>art of the city FR£E 0F CHARG£. īs!au.l Onlers Solicited. Satisfaction Guaraute*tl. Post Office Box N ». 145, Telephone No. 92.

TENTH Annuai Meeting 0F THK HATV r AIIAX Jockev Club. JUXE 11. 1891. Official ProfiTammc i c <-£T Races to Commence cC 10 a. 7/i. Sharp. lsr—BICYCLE RACE, Prize S!iver Medal; valued at $25. Enlianee fee #1.50; 1 mile dash. Free f(»r all. j 2 —KALAKAUA PURSE #100. Running Raco; 1 mile dasb. Free fur all. 3— HONOLULU Pl T RSE #100. Trotting and Pacing, to harness; 2:40 class. Free f-r all. Mile heats; best 2 in 3. 4 — ROSlTA CHALLENGE CUP. #200 AD1)ED. Running R»ce: 1 mile dash. Free fur a 11. Winner of eup. tobeat record of Angie A, 1:451. 5— PRESIDENT WIDEMANNS CUP, #75 ADDED. Running Race; f r Hawaiian bred. 4 mile daah. G-JOCKEY CLUB PURSE #100 Truttingnnd Pacing, to harness Free for ali. Miie heats; best 3 in 5. 7— OCEANIC STEAMSHIP CO’S PURSE #100. Running Race; 1 miie dasb For Hawaiian bred. 8 — MAUI PURSE #100. Trottingand Pacing, toharncss 3 minule ciass. F«»r Hawaiian bred. Mile heats; best 2in 3. ' * 9 —KAPIOLANI PARK PURSE . #125. Running Race; 11 rnile d.ish. Free f->r all. 10— KAMEHAMEHA PUESE. #100 -Tn»tting and Pac:ng, to harness. For Hawaiian bred; mile heats; be»t 2 in 3. entrits are to madv witn the Secrehiry, at Ihe olliee of C. O. Berger, on Merchant Streef, bffore 2 p m Wednesday, June 6th. 1894, at whieh time tbey will dose. Entry fees t» be 10 per cent. ot the purse, unJess otherwise spfcifi-d. gM~\\\ races are to be ran or trotted under the rules of the Joc-. key Club, * All • horses are expected to starl unless witbdrawn by 12 o'eloek noon, on Jane 9th, 1894. — gjtTk\\ horse9 naust appear on \ the tr«ck at the tap of the heli frotn the Judges staad; otbcrwise tbey will be fined. G«nenl aJjBĪ5csion. 30 oenU Gnmd stan<l [«ain} 30 cents aad $1 C«rri*£e eoane] eaeh |2.30 b*dges f5.00 W. M. Gifiard SccreUry Hawaiian Jockey Club. may 10—2 wks diy