Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 121, 24 May 1894 — Attempted Suicide. [ARTICLE]
Attempted Suicide.
James Morris, a passenger by Ihe steamer Wammoo from Van- ■ conver for Fiji attempte\l to rom mit suicide, vcsterday moming. on board the vessel by shooting bimself in tbe head, nsing a revolver as the means to obtain the ' end. The accounts differ somewhaī regarding the atlair, bntthe straighte?t connection of circnmstauces as told l;y Mr. Hodges. a * o fellow-passenger of the intended snicide, and who wasatthe bnnk side of Morris, and so close that his faee got powder-bnriied, is to the etfect: that Morris. who is a native of Abordeen, Scot!aud,waa journeying to Fijii to meet a brother of his, there residing. Morris etated that he had had about ?5,000, but it is believed that bad s{\ecnlations had reducrd that amount to about ?*2,000. Despondency causedtbe attempt; it is donbtful if he survives.