Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 121, 24 Mei 1894 — LOCAL NEWS. [ARTICLE]
H<iy is coming in qnite freely from the Cojist The Conncils are ineeting this 1 afternoon. — Win<l Sontb apain today with occasionaI rain shower«. i A Celelmted C'ase ’ tonigbt at the Opcra Honse. Hats are still worn in enlarged condition since the Takacbiho banqaet. It Ts a pleasure to state tbat Captain D.ivies is iraproving in health. Consaiar Hags are all flying today in honor of Britannia's i Qaeen. _ Mr. Julian D. Iiayne the i *‘Conn’ of the Postboy was , “caned by Mr. Dailey. Mr. R. J. Lillie of Mer.srs Davies Co arrived by the Warrimoo. There will be a sparring eontest, for poiuts, at Waikiki this eveuing. A schooner is ashore at Col. Jira Sherwood s I-ong B;anch establishment. Tlie steamer Lehua brought 2,500 bags of sugir and eleven lepers to port yestorday. Extreems are svid to meet. I\irser Monioe of the C. A. 8. S. Warrimoo is tendered the thank« of the Holomca for ue\vs {avurs. Tho 'ī ’iser had a leading editorial on the Holomua this morn- i ing. Tbanks' No change! The bteamor Warriiuoo, from \ aucoaver B. C., arrived bright aiul ourlv thiw morniug. — Tlie barkentino Irmgar<l sailed i yosterday for San Francisco with 2,338,226 lbs of sngar valued at $51,333.44. p Tho comiug nuraber of tho Parao'is> of (l,e Paeine promises to be a great improvement over ’ past issues. “Hay” Wodehonse is getting stronger |and, and may soon bo ablo to attend to bnsiness agaiu. — Miss Josie Gassman, the popular, will a<ld to the attractions of this evening’s performance at the Opera Honse. Tho stateraent inthe 'Tiser that D. M. Crowley is cditing tbe Holomca is probably intendod for uso abroad; the statemeut has uo loeal inAuenee. » The war-vesrels iu port “ dress j ed ship ' todny, and fin d salutes at noon, in honor of Queen Vic- ' toria's birthday. j Today is the seventv fifth anniversary of the birth of Her Majesty tho Quecn of Euglaud who is not yet dethroned by any ■ reason or etfort of American intrigue. Mr. J. F. Bowlor and his j assistant Fred Clarke have just fiuishe<l, one of their many eontracts of curb-l«yiug on the southeast corner of Hotel aud Alakea strecls. *— The Doard vf Health had a short and not very iuteresting meeting yesterday. Attempt was iuade to obt«in Dr. Goto‘s knowledge of tiealmeut of leprosy. The qaestion is being agitated relative to who will be tho successful bidder for the hay aud ' feed required by OapUin King. j King will bave something to ' say, uo doubt. • *