Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 121, 24 Mei 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

ii.ms « ♦P 1. Uli Fare\voll - Wook! • DAILEY’SStock Company This Week's ReperiOire: THUUSPAY PLANTER’S WIFE ! FRIDAY NIGHT, Monte Cristo ' ■ S Clogii}(j Prrjormanas a( /.. J. LK I i. \ > R >i' >■ o/ Fort and (/oen >(.<. —— Prices 50c.. 75c. ainl sl. f’ r sale at Ij. J. Levey’s rootus, corner Fort aml Quceu >ts. May7-I\v OCEA-N IC SteamsliipCo Time Table. I LOCAL LIN K. S. S. AUSTUALI V. Arrire Honolala Lcave Honolnlu from S, F, ior S, F. Feb. 24 Mur. 31. Mar. 24 Mar. 3. Aj>r. 21 Apr. 2S. Ma> 19 Mav. 20. June 10 Juno 23, L-ine* 1 roui San Fran. f<>r Syilnoy. Arrivo Honolula^ From Syilney for San Fr,mc!-co. Leave Honolulu. Manpona Monowai AlameUa. Maripos > Monowai Aiamoila. Maripo-a M nowai Ahuneelu. POI'N D MASTER’S XOTICF. Nolioe U here!>_y giv*n to a!! p»-r«i<>n!i. tl>at there m at tbe (k>»ernaienl Punnil at )Lkiki, ooe *traye.| while hone, halter ou he»<!, bn»n<Sea O II on Ieft himl teu. Aur {M-r<Mju or persoo* owu;ng »hls horse ar» reejneste<l to eon.e an<l take the ■oune on or bel«re 12 o’eloek m><n SATLKDAV. MAV, 25, H. J AMES KI KONA, Makiki. May. 14, IS!M. i'oan»! M>ister. may 15-tf DAX. LY«\S □A,NCInca cmsses Meet at Ar'on Hill everv TUESPAY antl FRIDAY 8VEMNGS, at 7 U'eloek. Also. on every S.vtlBday Ai teh.\ at 2 0’cl«ck. Tuition. 2> cents f.»r eaeh Lesson, aml satisfactiou guaraut*NMl or uo cbarg6H uuul<*. may §-il