Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 121, 24 Mei 1894 — Hawaiian Hardware Company [ARTICLE]
Hawaiian Hardware Company
Tiie Advertiser who catches * per>on> e%e asaally win-; i» customer. M »ny »lirtorent >ty Ie> of advertising have l>een a<lopted and witb raore orless »uccess, by tbe believers in tbe uso of printers ink. The raannfactnrers of Pears Soap,for instance. occasion :»1 ly boy % paintings t!u»t have beeu on exhibitiou in the Pari’s SaIon aiul bave lith.graphs m ub. frora tbera for the purpose of bringing tbeir product before j the people. In addition to sucb siile issues, Pearspends hiin.lre»Ltbousands of do!lais annualh | among tbe newspapers and niag»/.ines. Sorae years ago the Agents of certain article on sale m New i York raade a bit iu advertising by bavinjr on Bro»dwav during bnsiness bours two fatlue>sly dress»*.l Negroes wearingvery higac«'liars ou tbe backs of whieh was printed “Use Suiths Pills." The I idea was novel and the pnhlie caught on. Ruing Sun Stove Polisli has beei! kept before tbe ; public for years tbrougb persistent, and soraetiiues expeusivo advertising. Twenty o»ld years ago the manufacturers ol tliis polisb started balf a dozen men acrosstue orniment to paiut sigus on rocks and feuces. Tho Aermotor Co., of Cbicago have increased its sales raore than live baudre»l per cent in two years by tbe use of printers iuk. We behere we bave been instrumental in increasing tbe s»les of tbe Aemotor by keepingeverlastingly at it in llawaii. We do not wisb to say tlmt advertising will sell any raanufactured article; tbore is uo uso spending money in advertising *‘oheap an»l nasty” goods becanse the j>eople will not beboodwinked. If Haviland China was not the superior article ,it is, all j our advertising of it would uot bave sold tbe tbonsamls of*pieces tbat we bavo. We simply eall 1 the attention of tlie i»eople to it aiul its superior qoality is apparent to tbe custoraer directly a pieee of it is examined. Printers ink has helped the sale of tlie James Locked Fence but it would not have »lones so if it had been as flimsy as tbe or dinay wire fence. Firet; tbe econoray tbere is in building it recoraraeuds it to the plantatiou raanager and tben its durability clinches tbe tbe sale. If tbe stays and washers cost as mueh as an ordinarv redwo<xl post our sales of the materia! woukl not have reacbed sucb enorraous proportious. Our average salo of tbe Pansy lron Stove is about two a day ihe year round. lf was not the best iron stove on the market we j would not sell tbat maqy m »ix * raontbs. Advertising is the tip I t i tbe puhlie tbe good points in , tbourticle sells it ju-t as tbe goo»l | qualities of lbe Fischer Stee! Kauge make it a desirable aiiiele for people who wish toeconomise iu tbe use of (uel. We buy only what bas proven good after people in tbe L’nited | tstates or Europe hare*given it a trial; we profit by their experiuce if tbe articles are goood we bnv and sell tbem: if tbey are poor we steer clear of them. When we a4vertL»e »q article it is to attract attention to it; the news- ! paper ; s the button we posh, tbe saiesman does tbe rest. Persistent adverfcising coupled with the »rticla being a superior one his sold thoasan»is of the Frank Ma!cot Eraory File. If it had been no better than an or- j dinary scythe stone we probablv wonld not huve sold twenty. W heu a man finds ont thafc his table knives mav be keptsharp at all times at an expen.se of fifty i cents and a ver>' little elhow grease fae is qnite wiiling to tty the expenment Tlw Hawaiij Hanlfar8 Co. 11 307 Fort btxee( *