Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 121, 24 May 1894 — CORRESPONDENCE. [ARTICLE]
[We Jo not hold onrselves responsible tor the opinions or the ntteranoes of our ' com?spoadents.] Editor Holomua: After the enormous sum of about two bundre<l thousand dulI;trs of the ttixpayers monev has beeu recklesslv squandered during the Iast year on a perfectiy' nseless horde of individuals, known as the regulir anny, or “JDuIe s lir»ves.” it seems that dually oui* “Solons ’ bave eoiue tu their better seuses bv deias - D a\vay \vith tli.it nuismce knowu as the “Comm iuder-iu-chief-of-the-forces- \vifch-tbe- rank- ofOolonel, and by a further reduction of the so called “regular army.” On this poiul I would recuaiinemi to do away with the whole paek at ouee, as there never has been, nor ever will be any earthly nse fcr it at any rate, as the goanling of pnhlie buildings and property conld easily be i done by a well-regulated poliee. j King Lunalilo had nō soldiers at ; all—he did not want any and the j conntry was safe anyhow. King Kalakana in 1890 had 35 men whieh in the coorse of time dwindled to 16 on!v and all went well. Therefore, “the very best governmeut Hawaii ever had,” whose popularity is daily adverti<ed ali the wor!d over as a government of the people, by the ; people and fur tfae j\eop!e ete., i should be Ihe very last one, demau liug so!diers at all—but if it most have them —then we , wouhi tbmk that about 50 men | should fully satisfy the whims of i
Mr. iK'le. Sniilh Co —soob 50 mea consistĪDg of a Serg.-ant the comm*n'.ler in chtef of the forccs witb the rank of serg?antl at a monthly sa!ary of $ō0, 4 Corpor*!s at $40, and 4-3 at $25. woald do jnst wt-U a> tbe wholepaek of yoor“regnlars ’ together. S«>LD1£R.