Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 120, 23 May 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 [ADVERTISEMENT]
CALIFORNIA Wine Comj)any 407 FOKT STREET, Mdnerny BIoi'k. JOBBERS 0F AVIXKS, aiul SPIIMTS K. (i ERTZ, MASRE OPENEOHl' Boot & Slioe Store, OppN'site the CIub • Stable on Fort Stroot, and wiil be gIaT to : soe his olil friends. m;i) 7—tf. The u Eagle Hous: M For The Leasc nud the G od U'ill of this Favorite Family Iloiel. THERK ARE FOUR DETACHED Cottag(S annexed tho H<>tel suitable fororiv»te families. The main buii«ling contains *20 BeJ Rooms large Dining K om. I*arlor. etc The forniture b all elegint and in gocJ conJitur The CīrounJs ar> beautifull laiJ out in Trees, Florers, Ferns, anj otlier Plants. This business ct n be broug : t at a bargtin on easy ,erms as to ,>ayment. to T. E* KROUSE. Arlmgton Hotel oJice. may 9-tf Cltysa Wle«it Market Oppo. Queen Emma Hall,’ EstablisbeJ '883. J03. T1NKER, īAm'i I bUjcHsk, Maker of the CeUbraied Cambridge Pork Sau3r je ! Tbv Them, - Moat DelivereJ to Any P» t of the City anJ Subnrbs. Mutual Telephone Number 289. (lEMENI a::d Curbing Lnid. E.stimates given on all 0( i $tone, Coqcfet8 1 VfofI^ j C0XCBETE A SPEClALTt. JXO. F. BOWLLR. janl7 3m - — ___ BRUCE4A. d. GARTWR.3HT Huainwa ot a Pūhie ykrj Satnrs Tmunet«d. 1 Prompt attentiun to the nuuu ->ment ot EalaUw, lia nahipa, Tru ts, e'o., etc. OijicM, : C<K'twrigkt Buildtny t U«rcluat Street, Honolulu,