Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 120, 23 May 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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— POl r ND MASTER’S X0TIJCF. Xotioe is hereby given to all persons, that : there īe at the Oou'nmieW Pomui at SIa- ' kiti, one strayed vrhite horse, halter ou ■ head, branded UHon lcft hind leg. i Any person or persons owuing this horse are requested to oooie and ! lake the same on or before 12 o’eloek noon i SATOEDAV, MAV, 26, 1S94. I JAMES KUKONA, Ponnd Master. Makiki, May. 14, 1S94. iuay 15—tf I Empire Saloon, South-East Corner Nuuanu and Hotel StreetS. £hoice 7/ines, Liquo~s £igars A Splendid Assortment of Wi|Ies Port cf Sherry, 23 YearS o!d. E. N. REQUE. myō 3ai - Managr GHAS. GIRDLER, Importer aud Commission Mercbant i SrtCIALTmS: J. i P. Co«ts Maehine Thre*d Jt>nas Brocks Maehme TLre* i BarbouPs Linen Thread Fe*is’ Sorp P. O. Box 39S. MtttaafTekphoae 39« 13 KaaLomana Saeet- — I |W.S.LUCE| Wine end Suirit M©rchant 0'impl‘ell Fire-proof Block, M£KCHANTST. HONOLULU.